Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
Satsang with the Self
Video: 453
Date: October 15, 2020
Title: Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
Running Time: 27:37
Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
You are God Consciousness. However you’ve forgotten this. Identification with the human story has kept you experiencing a limited version of yourself. Now is the time to break free from limited conditioning to experience your true self.
Experience and channeled meditation by the Higher Self Consciousness. Be taken deep into the state of inner space to discover the timeless peace of your eternal self. Stay held in this awakened state as the Higher Self shares wisdom that helps to rewrite your human story.
Your true self is a state of eternal peace and unconditional blissful love. You can awaken to the direct experience of your Higher Self in a simple and direct process.
In this guided meditation you will be taken deeper into yourself where you will experience the peace and love that you have always been. Receive this channeled meditation and benefit from the higher frequencies of spiritual light that are always available to you.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
bliss, channel, channeled, consciousness, god, guide, guided meditation, higher self, light, love, meditation, peace, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, story, true, video, wisdom