Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
Satsang with the Self
Video: 443
Date: September 17, 2020
Title: Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
Running Time: 18:44
Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
We want you to simply listen to our words and notice how your own vibration changes. As you listen to our words you will feel the energy of our expression. You will feel your own energy body changing its frequency. You will begin to embody the frequencies of your Higher Self. Simply relax and receive.
Listen and let the Higher Self change your vibration into higher frequencies of spiritual energy in this channeled meditation.
We are all creators. We exist as awareness, intelligence and energy in a constant state of creation.
We learn by receiving from the external environment. The sounds we hear and the energies we feel show us the limitless possibilities of our creative potential.
In this channeled meditation you will be instructed to listen to the Higher Self as channeled by Lincoln Gergar. The channeled voice and spoken words will help attune you to your own Higher Self experience. You will notice that your own energy system begins to change it’s frequency. Your mind will become more silent and your emotions more peaceful. Some of you may feel a joy and happiness arising. Some of you may even feel blissful.
Let this Higher Self channeled meditation help you to connect more to your Higher Self Consciousness. Let go. Relax. Listen and receive.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, bliss, body, change, channel, channeled, consciousness, creation, emotions, energy, happiness, higher self, learn, let go, lincoln, love, meditation, mind, peace, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, video