Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
Satsang with the Self
Video: 464
Date: November 26, 2020
Title: Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
Running Time: 18:55
Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
The world is changing. Every form of life is constantly changing and the rate of change is accelerating. This meditation will connect you to the part of yourself that never changes. Discover the truth of who you are as the timeless Self in this channeled meditation.
“You are this radiant state. You are this reality and appearing with you is the body and the mind and the emotions and all of life. You are eternally at peace while the forms appear within your awareness. You are eternally free to form the understanding that the forms mean to you. You are the creator having this human reality. Experience yourself as this.”
The Higher Self is our the source of our inner guidance. It is our future self guiding to our future state of awareness, knowledge and creative power.
In this channeled meditation, the Higher Self guides you to connect with the deepest part of yourself – your eternal Self.
Truth is something that does not change. The only Truth that exists is you.
Everything that you perceive is changing. All forms of matter, energy and intelligence are born, change and vanish. All forms are relatively true, but not absolutely true.
Experience the depth of yourself that is changeless and eternal in this channeled meditation.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, change, channel, channeled, emotions, energy, guidance, guide, higher self, knowledge, life, love, meditation, mind, peace, power, satsang, self, true, truth, video