World’s Greatest Mantra – I love you and I wish you happiness
The higher spiritual dimensions consider this the most power mantra for humanity at this time in humanity’s ascension process. By repeating this blessing we can immediately transform the quality of our lives.
Change the Original Wounding of Mankind – Everything is Truly God Consciousness
Get ready for a breakthrough channeling from the Higher Self. The original wounding of mankind is the idea that you are not perfect, that you are flawed. From that wounding comes all personal confusion and suffering.
15 Minute Meditation for Expanded Awareness, Body Awakening, Peace and Love
Spend 15 minutes in Heart-opening Higher Self blissful love energy in this guided meditation and energy activation.
Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
A perfect state of peace exists right now. You only need to understand how to perceive it with your mind. Right now silence exists. Right now stillness exists. Right now emptiness fills this moment.
Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness.
Satsang with the Self Video: 423 Date: July 16, 2020 Title: Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness. Running Time: 32:57 Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness. Form and formless are identical in nature. They appear as different but their essence is the same. […]
Align Your Mind Towards Wisdom – You are the Conscious Creator of Your Life
Align your mind and energy system to the higher dimensions of spiritual awakening. Use this meditation often to create a constant experience of peace, bliss, love and wisdom.
2nd Higher Self Inner Circle – Cycle Starts Sunday July 5 – Register Now
In 5 days, the 2nd Higher Self Inner Circle begins. Experience 3 hours of channeled Higher Self teachings, meditations and q&a every week on Zoom video live stream.
Higher Self message about the problem of racial injustice and police brutality. You have a solution.
Listen to the message from the higher spiritual dimensions about the racism, violence and injustice happening in our world. Learn how to transform this unfortunate situation into peace, harmony, cooperation, equality, fairness and justice for all human beings.
Channeled Meditation to become a state of Perfect Peace and Spiritual Emptiness
Enjoy a 10 minute channeled meditation that guides you into your state of Spiritual Emptiness and guides the Emptiness to expand into perfect peace.
AnaAkun Interview – Is world peace possible in a dualistic universe?
In my 6th question in the AnaAkun interview, I speak about the topics of duality, how we create in a form-based reality, and the possibility of inner peace and world peace.
How to know when you are creating with the Ego – a Higher Self Channeling
The Higher Self teaches us to create from the Higher Self state of intelligence, energy and awareness. How do we know when we are in the Higher Self state versus being in the personal Ego? Listen to this channeled message to understand how the ego works and how you can best work with the ego.
A Detailed Examination of Letting Go – Remove All Resistance, Fear, Doubt and Insecurity
Are you desiring inner peace but struggling to find it? Letting go of unwanted thoughts and emotional reactions can be challenging. Learn how to make the process easier in this channeled message with 3 practical methods.
Detailed Examination – How to Use Your Mind’s Creative Power to Manifest Happiness
All parts of the process of using your mind’s power to create a completely happy reality are examined in this channeled Higher Self message. Receive 2 guided meditations that show you how to transform you mind and life instantly.
Remove the Distance Between your Consciousness and Your Body to Remove the Ego Mind
Experience a channeled meditation that removes the perceptual distance that separates your consciousness from your human form. This space causes the ego to exist. Remove the space – remove the ego.
Channeled Meditation – Return to the Experience of Expanded Perception, Happiness and Peace
Remember who you are in this channeled Higher Self meditation. Meditate on your Spiritual Heart – the deepest center of your consciousness where you experience the expansion of Higher Self.
You are not a separate person. You are a process the Universe is creating.
Life is an eternal process of unfolding experience – constant change that began long before you became alive. Discover yourself as the unchanging self that exists right now and experience your freedom.