Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 425
Date: July 16, 2020
Title: Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
Running Time: 9:33
Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
A perfect state of peace exists right now. You only need to understand how to perceive it with your mind. Right now silence exists. Right now stillness exists. Right now emptiness fills this moment.
In this Higher Self channeled message you will be taught how to focus your mind in a way that gives you immediate peace.
Most people try to experience peace by reducing the activity of the forms in awareness. They reduce the amount of thoughts with practices like mantra and breath control. Some practices aim at reducing the feeling of emotions or the movements of the body.
While these practices do create peace, they create it indirectly. There is a much easier, more direct way to experience a deeper state of peace that does not rely upon changing our thoughts, emotions, body or world.
In every moment a perfect state of changeless peace exists. This channeled message will help you to find it and embrace it.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, change, channel, channeled, emotions, higher self, illness, love, media, mind, peace, practice, satsang, self, silence, thought, thoughts, video