Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles
Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles. Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening.
Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
Your deepest state is pure consciousness – perceived as the clear light of Self. In this 20 minute channeled meditation, experience the perfect emptiness of yourself by relaxing into silence, stillness and awareness.
Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Genuine enlightened teachers of every time all taught the same message – all of life is one. Unity of the experiencer and the experience must be achieve. The separate self must be united.
Exactly what happens when you meditate on your Spiritual Heart
Receive a detailed explanation with precise information about the meditative journey into your Spiritual Heart where you experience your soul in this channeled message and guided meditation.
Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation
There are layers to ourselves and layers to our mind. On the surface of the mind appear the thoughts. Deeper within we experience direct knowing. Even deeper we discover being.
Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
Finding peace in the present moment is as easy as focusing your attention on the empty qualities you perceive right now. Empty space, the silent witness and the feeling of stillness are the doorways to experiencing a profound unchanging peace.
This State Celebrates the ‘I Am’ and Everything is Included
Feel your Heart and realize the power of Creation shines through you. Before your mind changes your Heart energy into the different human emotions, you feel the I Am as bliss. Cultivate the wisdom that allows your mind to stay effortlessly silent and your Heart radiant and open.
Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
A perfect state of peace exists right now. You only need to understand how to perceive it with your mind. Right now silence exists. Right now stillness exists. Right now emptiness fills this moment.
Channeled Meditation to become a state of Perfect Peace and Spiritual Emptiness
Enjoy a 10 minute channeled meditation that guides you into your state of Spiritual Emptiness and guides the Emptiness to expand into perfect peace.
Deepen Your Meditation Instantly – Trust the Present Moment Right Now
The God Consciousness Universal Intelligence that is creating everything knows that this present moment is absolutely perfect. Trust this and watch your meditation instantly deepen.
Spend 15 Minutes in Silence with the Higher Self
Enjoy the stillness, space, silence and Spiritual Heart energy of the Higher Self in this 15 minutes guided meditation. Immerse yourself in the deep tranquil energy of your Higher Self.
I Am Love – A Higher Self Guided Meditation
The affirmation I AM LOVE is the most powerful affirmation to enter into the Spiritual Heart (Hridayam) and experience your Higher Self state of consciousness. Love is the experience of oneness as Awareness and Form unite into the Samadhi experience.
Who Am I? You Are This – Examining the Spiritual Wisdom of Samadhi
I offer you a unique and powerful practice called You Are This. Your Are This avoids the pitfalls of Who Am I? by providing the answer to the question and taking you immediately to the state of inner silence beyond the conceptual mind.
The Simple Science of Spiritual Identification – Who you are is what you choose to be
You are free to choose what to identify with. Wisely choosing what you identify with and do not identify with will determine your quality of life and the life experiences you have.
Higher Self Gems of Wisdom to Help You Live as the Awareness
Experience a 30 minute guided meditation with spiritual wisdom and transformational insights to help you awaken to your Awareness and remain in that state continually. This is a slow-paced teaching with gems of wisdom and longer periods of silence. The spoken words are timed appropriately to help the listener stay in a thought-free state.
Return to Your Original Self – Empty, Silent, Still, Awareness, Intelligence, Bliss
Be aware of the silence, stillness, and emptiness of this moment. This is the doorway to the greater You. Hold accurate knowledge, practice proper method and you will awaken.