Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 466
Date: December 10, 2020
Title: Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Running Time: 38:15
Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Genuine enlightened teachers of every time all taught the same message – all of life is one. Unity of the experiencer and the experience must be achieve. The separate self must be united.
Relaxing in silence, stillness and emptiness is not a complete realization. The universe is both formless and form existing as the expression of the Self. Holding to one-half of existence and believing it is the complete state of enlightened realization is stopping before true union is achieved.
In this Higher Self channeling you will learn about the state of spiritual union called samadhi, yoga, enlightenment, Self-realization, God-realization or Unity Consciousness. The names come from different times and places but the words point to the same experience.
The unity state is when the separate self that is experiencing itself in the external world merges with the forms it is perceiving. The space that appears to create a separate self and separate world dissolves and a seamless state of fluid creation emerges.
How can we reach such a state of unity consciousness? Is true enlightenment possible for any person in a single lifetime? What practices lead to enlightenment? How long will it take?
Listen as the channeled Higher Self consciousness educates you about the union of formless awareness and the forms of perception, and the path to achieve true unity.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, channel, channeled, channeling, chi, consciousness, creation, enlightenment, god, higher self, illness, learn, life, light, love, practice, satsang, self, silence, spirit, spiritual, teach, teacher, true, video, yoga
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