Create Authentic Devotion to God. Create Devotional Energy in your Heart with the Higher Self.
When affirmations and visualization practices do not work, how can we create the energy of devotion to God. Devotional energy is a powerful heart-centered love for the Creator of life and the gift of life. Devotion is one of the paths to enlightenment and is central to the Higher Self teachings.
Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Genuine enlightened teachers of every time all taught the same message – all of life is one. Unity of the experiencer and the experience must be achieve. The separate self must be united.
The Totality of Everything You Perceive is You – Higher Self Channeling
All Channel Higher Self videos teach authentic awakening. This video focuses specifically on integrating the oneness of all that is. Be guided into a state of understanding in which everything is experienced as perfect in this present moment.
Guided Meditation to Expand Your Consciousness with Your Breath
In nearly every culture and language, spirit means breath. Ancient cultures and wise men studied the breath and knew it’s power and sacredness.
Remove Emotional Blocks: Feeling your way to Enlightenment
In our information rich society, most people try to think their way to enlightenment. There is another path to spiritual enlightenment that goes through the emotions and the Spiritual Heart.
Expand Your Perception – Learn to Feel the Etheric Energy of Sound
Sound is ether energy in motion. Underlying the physical Universe is a field of sound and vibration. In this video you will learn how to more fully experience this etheric energy field in all parts of your body – not just your ears.
2nd Annual Higher Self U.K. Retreat. June 20-22, 2014
Spend 3 days in a natural, peaceful setting as we share together in the Higher Self channeled messages, spiritual teachings, guided meditations, qi gong energy practices, gentle yoga, music and social activities.
3 Day Higher Self Meditation & Yoga Retreat — ON SKYPE — May 2-4, 2014
Experience 5 yoga classes & 8 Higher Self guided meditations on Skype. Participation price is set extraordinarily low! We want every person able to experience this unique Higher Self retreat.
2 Workshops: April 5: Removing Stress; April 6: Day of Meditation (Altanta, GA)
Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work.
3 Day Higher Self Meditation and Yoga Retreat – May 2-4, 2014 in Atlanta, GA
Lincoln and a team of yoga instructors have created a 3-Day Higher Self Meditation & Yoga Retreat at Coossawattee River Resort in Ellijay, Georgia. Expect 3 days of Higher Self channeled teachings and guided meditations, and instructor led yoga and pranayama breathing sessions.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Using Your Breath to Stop Your Mind
Learn how to use your breath to stop your mind. Stopping the mind’s activities is the central goal of yoga, Buddhism and most meditation methods.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Third Eye Ajna AUM / OM Mantra
AUM / OM is the mantra syllable sound for the Ajna Chakra / Third Eye Chakra. Working with the AUM / OM mantra is one of the most powerful techniques in spirituality.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Ujjayi “Victory” Breath
Practice one of yoga and tantra’s most powerful breathing techniques: the Ujjayi Breath or Victory Breath. Ujjayi means victory. This breathing technique gives you victory over your mind.
August 31, 2013 in Amsterdam: Secrets of Your Breath – Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of Your Body
The final stop on the 2013 Channel Higher Self European Tour is Amsterdam, Netherlands. Your breath has always been the most effective tool for you. Your breath controls your mind, emotions, energy system and physical body.
Personal Higher Self Channeling Sessions in Zurich, Switzerland. July 18 – Aug 2
For these 2 weeks, Lincoln is available for personal Higher Self channeling sessions. These are one-on-one sessions in which Lincoln will channel the Higher Self for you to answer any questions that you may have.
Learn Authentic Meditation – Workshop – Zurich, July 20, 2013
The meditation instruction provided will be a unique combination of ancient methods from Yoga, Kundalini and forest dwelling Buddhism (pre-monastic era), along with the Higher Self knowledge and guidance.