10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Ujjayi “Victory” Breath
Satsang with the Self
Video: 220
Date: November 13, 2013
Title: 10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Ujjayi “Victory” Breath
Running Time: 16:31
Parts: 1
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Ujjayi “Victory” Breath
Practice one of yoga and tantra’s most powerful breathing techniques: the Ujjayi Breath or Victory Breath. Ujjayi means victory. This breathing technique gives you victory over your mind.
For 10 minutes you will be guided to breath along with me, practicing the Ujjayi Breath. The first 4 minutes of this video include instructions that teach you how to correctly perform the Ujjayi Breath.
By using the Ujjayi Breath, the sound of your breath overpowers your thoughts – creating deep inner silence in your mind. More prana / chi energy is stored inside your body by constricting your throat muscles and lengthening your breath. Deep inner peace is created nerve relaxation. This is a very powerful breathing technique – considered by many yogis to be the most powerful.
The breath is the most powerful tool that we have. Use it correctly to increase your health and happiness, while accelerating your spiritual growth.
More 10 minute guided meditations will be posted in the coming days here on YouTube’s Channel Higher Self.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
body, channel, chi, energy, guide, guided meditation, happiness, heal, health, higher self, love, meditation, mind, peace, power, practice, prana, satsang, self, silence, spirit, spiritual, tantra, teach, technique, thought, thoughts, video, yoga
which one should i practise more , suggest me , to get over this problem and by the by , i had bad habbitis like smoking and boozing heavily due to this anxiety
I recommend that you use the Ujjayi breath as often as you can. This breathing practice is a powerful way to calm the brain and nerves, relaxing the body and mind. It will help to reduce your anxiety.
In addition, it will be necessary for you to learn about your own psyche. Discover in what situations you feel your anxiety increasing. Discover what beliefs you have about yourself and the world that is causing your anxiety. Then, with this understanding, apply methods for healing and reprogramming.
I have mini-series of videos called “Remove Emotional Blocks” that can teach you how to work with your anxiety to heal it.
I wish you peace, love, happiness and success on your soul’s journey.