Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work. Two events and two powerful spiritual topics. To register for one or both of these Channel Higher Self workshops, please visit the Higher Self Teachings website at
Workshops begin at 10:00am and end at 5:00pm on both days. The location for the event is a the Saratoga Clubhouse, located in the Lawrenceville, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia USA. Directions and map will be provided after registering. Participation is also available via Skype.
Stress Relief and Self Mastery: Controlling your Mind and Emotions with Ease
Saturday April 5, 2014 – Atlanta, GA USA & Skype
Sights, sounds, and energy swirl around us all day long. Wouldn’t it be nice to not get caught up in the all the movement and chaos of this world? Freedom and inner peace is already within you. You only must learn to unlock it!
Stress is a common experience for nearly everyone. Unfortunately, most of us accept stress as part of life. Few of us have been taught how to reduce and even completely remove stress. This Higher Self workshop will give you these tool for stress relief and stress removal.
Stress is the result of how we respond to our life experiences. Stress can be physical (due to poor posture, too much physical exercise, not enough sleep, etc), emotional (due to relationships, our jobs, our families, lack of support, etc) or mental (due to lack of knowledge, improper thinking habits, use of stimulating foods or drugs, etc).
Society teaches us that stress is “bad” and that stress attacks us like an outside invader. The world makes us stressed. People give us stress. But this not a correct understanding. This belief creates disempowerment and keeps us in suffering and feeling helpless.
The truth is that stress is our mind, emotions and body trying to communicate something important to us. When we are living out of balance with our bodies, we experience physical stress; our relationships, emotional stress, and; our world, mental stress. Stress is the short term result of living incorrectly. Stress leads to illness and disease, the long term result of living incorrectly. The Universe is always trying to teach our souls how to live in this world. The Universe is not desiring to harm us.
In this Higher Self workshop, you will learn how to release, reduce and removal all types of stress. Mental stress, emotional stress and physical stress can all be overcome with proper understanding and effective action. This workshop will give you the knowledge you need and the practices to help you life stress-free all the time, even when life presents new challenges.
Dive into Inner Space: Accessing Higher Frequencies of Energy within the Silence of Your Self
Sunday April 6, 2014 – Atlanta, GA USA & Skype
Get ready inner space cosmonauts! Planned is a full day of verbal silence (no talking) and a series of guided meditations to deepen your consciousness and access higher frequencies of energy. Expect to spend most of the day in silence and meditation, with breaks after each meditation to walk, stretch, rest and go deeper. Everyone will be honoring verbal silence, which will give each of us the optimal environment to awaken inner experiences of heightened awareness. Expect visions, vibrations, accelerations of consciousness, peace, happiness and Love as we are all guided into the inner spaces of our consciousness to access more of what is possible.
The series of guided meditations will include:
- Vibrating the physical body with the etheric body’s energy to charge the cells with prana/chi.
- Kundalini energy / Sushumna breathing.
- Working with the Sacred OM (AUM) Mantra to connect to the Original Creative Energy of the Universe.
- Kriya Yoga breathing technique to cleanse the energy channels (nadis / meridians).
- Seeing the Inner Light within the Ajna Chakra (3rd eye)
- Entering the Void Space with no thoughts and still emotions
- Body movement meditations to ground the spirit into the physical body
- and more surprise meditations as we connect to our Higher Selves!
This is my most intensive energy work meditation workshop yet. It’ll be sure to be powerful. You’ll learn many techniques that you can continue to use on your own to deepen your spiritual growth.
Participation is available in person or on Skype. Please register at
I look forward to working with you next month.
Blessings and Love,
~ Lincoln