Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
Satsang with the Self
Video: 472
Date: January 21, 2021
Title: Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
Running Time: 22:06
Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
Your deepest state is pure consciousness – perceived as the clear light of Self. In this 20 minute channeled meditation, experience the perfect emptiness of yourself by relaxing into silence, stillness and awareness.
Your body appears within you. Your mind appears within you. The world appears within you. All that you perceive as existence is happening inside of your awareness. Nothing exists independent of your awareness.
Your consciousness is a clear light that illuminates reality. Your consciousness is one state with the three qualities of awareness, intelligence and creative energy.
In this Higher Self channeled meditation you are guided into a deep state of physical and mental relaxation. As the forms within your awareness become still and silent, the appearance of emptiness increases. Forms reduce and the formless grows.
Be guided into the emptiness of your own Self with the support of channeled frequencies of energy that increase your ability to experience a silent mind and balanced emotional energy. Watch as your empty awareness grows with the support of the Higher Self.
This is an enjoyable, easy 20 minute guided meditation. Use it often to increase your ability to experience perfect emptiness.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, channel, channeled, consciousness, energy, guide, guided meditation, higher self, illness, light, love, meditation, mind, satsang, self, silence, video