Return to Your Original Self – Empty, Silent, Still, Awareness, Intelligence, Bliss
Satsang with the Self
Video: 312
Date: May 29, 2017
Title: Return to Your Original Self – Empty, Silent, Still, Awareness, Intelligence, Bliss
Running Time: 28:23
Return to Your Original Self – Empty, Silent, Still, Awareness, Intelligence, Bliss
Be aware of the silence, stillness, and emptiness of this moment. This is the doorway to the greater You.
Ancient spiritual teachings were simple, direct and clear. Return to this shining simplicity now and practice Self-Realization. Directly experience that which is beyond change right now. Discover yourself as the Clear Light of Awareness that is without division.
In many spiritual systems there are small, but important, divisions between form and formless, good and bad, desire and aversion, seeking happiness and avoid suffering, do and do not. Even the smallest distinctions will keep a person from experiencing genuine Spiritual Enlightenment.
Form and formless are One in the totality of your Awareness. Desire and aversion are the wave and the trough of the same ocean. Your reality is already perfect. Only when we enter the state of Awareness and allow the form and formless to be as they appear, and the ocean to wave as it does will we experience the mystery of Oneness that is ever present.
Join the Higher Self consciousness as it is channeled through Lincoln in this Satsang with the Self video. Hold accurate knowledge, practice proper method and you will awaken.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, bliss, change, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, enlightenment, happiness, higher self, illness, knowledge, light, lincoln, love, method, oneness, practice, satsang, self, silence, spirit, spiritual, suffer, suffering, teach, teaching, video
This is an awesome guided meditation. Thank you.