A Detailed Examination of Letting Go – Remove All Resistance, Fear, Doubt and Insecurity
Satsang with the Self
Video: 403
Date: May 7, 2020
Title: A Detailed Examination of Letting Go – Remove All Resistance, Fear, Doubt and Insecurity
Running Time: 57:31
A Detailed Examination of Letting Go – Remove All Resistance, Fear, Doubt and Insecurity
Are you desiring inner peace but struggling to find it? Letting go of unwanted thoughts and emotional reactions can be challenging. Learn how to make the process easier in this channeled message with 3 practical methods.
The Higher Self teaches 3 easy and effective ways to experience immediate inner peace. Each method uses the a different direction for our creative energy.
- The first method uses relaxation, witnessing and awareness to calm the overactive mind.
- The second method uses cooperation with the present moment – even the most difficult present moment experiences – to transform resistance to empowerment.
- The third method uses questions, the imagination and the going to the end of the thought process to reveal what is underneath every emotion and story.
Each method, while very different, is highly effective. We do not have to be powerless to our anxiety and fears. We no longer need to feel like victims in a deterministic reality.
We can wake up and use the power we all have to transform ourselves and our lives into experiences of true happiness and genuine inner peace.
Let this channeled message from the Higher Self help awaken you to your more your true self. You are an unlimited source of creative energy and amazing intelligence.
Never are you destined to suffer.
Never are you trapped in unwanted experiences.
Never must you sacrifice your happiness and accept suffering as you reality.
You are the God Consciousness creating at the center of your Universe.
You are the solution! Now create the life you desire!
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, channel, channeled, consciousness, empowerment, energy, god, happiness, higher self, learn, life, love, media, method, mind, peace, power, satsang, self, story, suffer, suffering, teach, thought, thoughts, true, video
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