The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 439
Date: September 3, 2020
Title: The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax
Running Time: 20:01

The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax

An overly active mind and a tense body is the cause of illness. All physical illness has psychological imbalance as it’s root cause. With physical and psychological relaxation, we can remove the causes of diseases and experience genuine health and happiness.

Scientists say the #1 cause of disease is stress. Physical stress is the expression of psychological stress. All psychological stress is caused by resistance to the experiences of life.

What is the natural cure for the illness caused by stress and psychological resistance? Relaxation.

Learn the importance of relaxation in this Higher Self channeling.

When we relax, two things happen. First, the physical body releases the electric charge in the nerves that cause muscular contraction. When the nervous system relaxes, the muscles relax. This helps the blood to flow, which gives all the organs their nutrients and transports the waste from the cells. When the nerves relax, there is improved communication between all the organs and health problems are more easily removed. Second, the mind relaxes and the thought process slows down. We experience a quieting of all mental activities and an increase of mental clarity. A relaxed mind also calms the emotions. We experience inner peace and less reactivity.

We gain so many benefits when we learn how to consciously relax the body and mind. Learn about the importance of relaxation and learn how to relax effectively in this Channel Higher Self video teaching.

Blessings and Love.

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