Heal Yourself and Heal Others with Spiritual Energy | A Channeled Online Course
Learn how to channel healing energy from higher spiritual dimensions into your physical body for healing. Improve your organ health, remove causes of disease and illness, heal your emotion, remove karmic blocks and create spiritual growth in this series of classes.
The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax
An overly active mind and a tense body is the cause of illness. All physical illness has psychological imbalance as it’s root cause. With physical and psychological relaxation, we can remove the causes of diseases and experience genuine health and happiness.
Will the Modern Medicine System Discover the Cure for Cancer?
The first documented case of cancer was in 1600 BC in Egypt. For over, 3600 years humanity has been searching for the cure to cancer! Is the modern medical system advanced enough to finally cure cancer?
Lincoln’s Experience with Detox Cleanses
I review 18 different detoxification methods that I have used since 1998, including Arise & Shine, Dr Schulze, Dr Christopher, HealthForce, juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, candida cleanse, parasite cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, and more.
2 Workshops: April 5: Removing Stress; April 6: Day of Meditation (Altanta, GA)
Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 17: Choosing the Correct Foods to Eat
The foods you eat change how you think, feel, look and function. All foods have energy and chemicals. Ingesting foods will combine these energies and chemicals with your body. Correct foods will increase your health and performance. Incorrect foods will weaken you and lead to illness and disease.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 16: Fasting to Awaken Your Body’s Intelligence
Your body is designed to operate in a state of perfection – without blocks, confusion, disease or suffering. But few people have truly mastered this process. To bring you closer to the state of perfect health, this video teaches humanity’s most ancient and effective physical health technique: fasting.
Introduction to Sitting Meditation – Instructional CD & mp3 album
Learn how to meditate correctly step-by-step. Clear instruction, relaxing music, and helpful advice will guide the any meditator to master the art and science of meditation.
Physical purification and healing caused by spiritual practices
Understand the relationship between the human energy system and our physical health. Learn about the most common detoxification and physical healing experiences that are created by kundalini awakening energy.
Spiritual Help: Emotional Trauma & Physical Toxins Cause Mental Illness & Schizophrenia
Learn how severe emotional suffering and mental illness is caused by past emotional trauma and physical environmental toxins. Learn how anyone can removes these from one’s mind and body to restore inner peace and happiness.
Creation of the Universe and the Multidimensional Laws that Govern It
In the deepest spiritual enlightenment, a person will often describe how he/she was the Universe and experienced everything from the beginning of Creation until now. They describe how the original Light of God created the entire Universe within itself – all of planets, all of the beings, space, time, color, sounds… everything.
How the Ego Tries to Stop the Process of Purification and Healing
During spiritual growth, personal growth and healing often we experience resistance and refusal to change from the personal ego. At times the ego’s fight against us can be so strong or so deceptive that the ego wins and we continue to suffer illness, disease and spiritual ignorance. Why is it so difficult to overcome the ego?
How to Fast & Purify the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit
The oldest health and medicine practice on the planet is fasting – the process of abstaining from food in order to purify the body, remove disease, and promote healing. Understood in ancient times, and still taught in some lesser known spiritual schools, fasting is much more than a method to cleanse and purify the physical blood, tissue and organs. Fasting also cleanses our emotions and thoughts, makes us more aware of the chi / prana / spiritual manna energy, and connects us more fully to our Soul and to God.
Heal Deep Spiritual Suffering – Feeling Abandonment from God
The deepest wound in the personal self is the belief that we have been abandoned by God. This core belief of separation from God causes severe mental and emotional suffering, depression and hopelessness. In this Higher Self video, we examine our feeling of abandonment from God and give you spiritual tools to remove this deep cause of pain and suffering and awaken inside of you your eternal connection to God.
Ancient Energy Science, Nutrition and Meditation for a Healthy Life
Listen, learn and evolve as Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, shares his experience and knowledge about how to correctly live with a human body while in this world. Our human body is made up of 3 distinct layers or bodies – the physical body, the emotional body (astral body), and the mental body (causal body). Together these three layers create our manifest experience here on Earth. Beyond these 3 layers and flowing within them is our Spiritual Self – the creative Consciousness that I AM.
Freedom from Stress is Living from the Heart
Each person is responsible for how he/she creates his/her perception of and response to the external world. We all create within our minds beliefs that determine how we perceive events, people, and interactions in our lives. We all create beliefs that influence how we response or automatically react to our environment. By understanding the power we have in creating our initial perception of the world, we are free to change how we experience our daily life and ourselves. By understanding how our thoughts create our emotions and internal state, we can gain freedom and control over how we respond to situations in the world.