The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax
An overly active mind and a tense body is the cause of illness. All physical illness has psychological imbalance as it’s root cause. With physical and psychological relaxation, we can remove the causes of diseases and experience genuine health and happiness.
Increase Your Immunity & Health – Higher Self Channeled Meditation
Increase your health and immune system with Higher Self white light energy. Raise the vibration of your nervous system and feel electricity in your cells. Fill your aura with Higher Self spiritual energy and protect yourself from lower vibrations.
Will the Modern Medicine System Discover the Cure for Cancer?
The first documented case of cancer was in 1600 BC in Egypt. For over, 3600 years humanity has been searching for the cure to cancer! Is the modern medical system advanced enough to finally cure cancer?
Remove Emotional Blocks: Free Your Soul’s Creative Process
You are a creative being. But are you creating at 100% your potential? Are you creating without blocks, fears or resistance? Learn how to identify and remove the thoughts, emotions and energies that are blocking your creative process.
Spiritual Explanation of Intrusive Thoughts OCD, ADD & ADHD
Psychologists believe that over 90% of people experience Intrusive Thoughts – but psychologist do not know why they happen. Learn why Intrusive Thoughts occur and how you can be free from them.
Very Detailed Instructions for Water Fasting and Detoxification
Water fasting is nature’s oldest natural health cure. People fast for spiritual reasons, mental health benefits, emotional healing, and physical detoxification. Learn how you can safely and effectively perform water fasts ranging from 1 day to even 40 days.
How to Heal Illness and Disease with Love
Learn the source of all illness, disease, and suffering.
Learn how to cure all our illness, disease, and suffering… on all levels.
This informative channelling session will guide you to heal yourself as you connect with the Love that you are.