8 Minute Energy Alignment channeled by the Higher Self
Satsang with the Self
Video: 418
Date: June 25, 2020
Title: 8 Minute Energy Alignment channeled by the Higher Self
Running Time: 17:22
8 Minute Energy Alignment channeled by the Higher Self
Enjoy a channeled energy alignment that takes you deeper into your Spiritual Heart and into the direct experience of your original creative energy. Then from this spiritual depth, you are guided to express this powerful energy into your human reality – changing the alignment of events in your life.
Enjoy this channeled teaching and energy alignment guided meditation. The first half of the video is a short message that educates your mind about the importance of this energy alignment. The second half is the guided meditation that aligns your energy vibration to your Higher Self state.
I recommend that you watch the first half to understand more about your creative power, the Spiritual Heart and this alignment process. Then if you want to use this alignment practice meditation only, you can skip forward to 8:38
We are all creators of our realities. This world is a combined experience of the personal realities that we have all created.
The original creative energy is your soul’s expression. This creative energy is then shaped by your mind. What you believe to be true and how you interpret the forms you perceive shapes the original creative energy. Your thoughts, emotions, words and actions are the shaped expressions of this original creative energy. Your thoughts, emotions, words and actions determine the events of your life.
You are the creator at the center of your life. Awaken and take control of how you think, feel, speak and act. Live as the conscious creator of your reality.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, chi, emotions, energy, god, guide, guided meditation, higher self, life, love, meditation, mind, oneness, power, practice, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, thought, thoughts, true, video