Stop Struggling Trying to Manifest with your Mind. Relax into the Energy of Success.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 379
Date: January 16, 2020
Title: 3 Step Process to Make Challenging Decisions Easy. Success Can Be Easy.
Running Time: 27:08
Stop Struggling Trying to Manifest with your Mind. Relax into the Energy of Success.
The Universe knows what you truly believe about yourself and life. When you try to cover over doubts, fears, and disempowered emotions and beliefs, the Universe knows it. You cannot trick the Universe. If you have doubts, fear, and disempowering beliefs and emotions, how do you change them and experience creative success? How can someone create success when they also experience limiting beliefs?
In this Channel Higher Self video teaching, we explore the topic of conscious creations and manifesting with authenticity and ease. It is unnecessary to struggle when manifesting. We do not have to analyze and work through our psychological issues or challenges in the traditional way. Success can be much easier. This video will teach you how to step into creative success instantly – with ease!
There are many manifestation teachings that encourage a person to “fake it before you make it”. But that rarely works. Often self-doubt remains while we try to trick ourselves into believing what we telling ourselves is true.
There are many psychology methods that emphasis self-analysis and processing one’s past experiences. These often create slow progress and a feeling of being burden by our past or even depression and a lack of motivation.
If modern day manifestation methods and psychological methods are a slower road to personal happiness and creative success, there must be another way… an easy way and a fast way to succeed. There is!
Watch this Channel Higher Self video teaching and in 25 minutes you will understand how to relax into your “natural state” where creative inspiration, effortless motivation, and self-confidence exist automatically. Experiencing successful manifestations and reaching your personal goals can be an easy, enjoyable process with minimal confusion and minimal struggle.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
authentic, change, channel, chi, creation, emotions, energy, fast, happiness, higher self, life, love, manifestation, method, mind, power, satsang, self, successful, teach, teaching, true, video