Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video. Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience.
Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery begins in a few days. Register now.
Relationships are the most important part of the human experience – especially in spirituality. Relationships are were we see the clearest reflection of our awakening. Relationships challenge us to help us grow into more heart-centered creators.
Next Higher Self Inner Circle April 2021 – Learn the Higher Self Way to Create Healthy Relationships
The next Higher Self Inner Circle is about to begin. Every week for 3 months received channeled teachings to create healthy, loving relationships.
Relationship Mastery – Communication and Energy Skills to Cocreate Happiness | Higher Self Inner Circle – Spring 2021
The next Higher Self Inner Circle has been announced. Learn from the Higher Self about the energy of relationships, why we attract the people we do, how to attract better relationships, how to improve communication, how to channel emotional energy to while communicating, and more.
Human Sexual Energy is Showing Us How God Creates the Universe
The human desire for sex is the spiritual desire to understand God and Creation. Evolve your understanding of human sexuality in this channeled message from the Higher Self.
AnaAkun Interview – Is Hollywood torturing children during sexual rituals?
Hear Lincoln’s perspective when he’s asked about the sexual exploitation of children that has become a topic in the news media.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – Masculine and Feminine Spiritual Practices
Did you know that there are different spiritual practices for men and for women? Learn about the masculine and feminine parts of the human psyche and energy system and which practices are most effective for men and women.
Self Sourcing Your Creative Energy vs Exchanging Energy With Others
You are God Consciousness – the source of creative energy in your human reality. Awaken to the direct experience of your creative power. It is easier than you know.
The Simple Science of Spiritual Identification – Who you are is what you choose to be
You are free to choose what to identify with. Wisely choosing what you identify with and do not identify with will determine your quality of life and the life experiences you have.
Experience Your Spiritual Truth – A Higher Self Guided Meditation
We seek Truth but how many actually find it? If a person is seeking truth, then they are already mistaken. Truth is not something to find. Truth is what you are.
Remove Emotional Blocks: The Attraction and Rejection of Emotions
Video #4 to remove emotional blocks focuses on the natural intelligence of our emotions and it’s attraction / rejection function. Learn how our emotions are teaching us how to create a life of peace, happiness and Love – when we understand the language of emotions.
Spiritual Explanation of Intrusive Thoughts OCD, ADD & ADHD
Psychologists believe that over 90% of people experience Intrusive Thoughts – but psychologist do not know why they happen. Learn why Intrusive Thoughts occur and how you can be free from them.
Brahmacharya: Walking with God
In ancient India practices were created to create the fastest path to spiritual enlightenment and God-realization. One of the most important practices is brahmacharya.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 20: Earth, Water, Fire, Air Mastery
We live in an Universe created with 4 elemental energies and substances – earth, water, air, and fire. Learn how to use these energies to live in harmony with the world and the original design of your human mind, body and emotions.
Chakra Healing and Awakening Guided Energy Work Meditation – CD & mp3 album
The purpose of this Higher Self channeled meditation and energy healing method is to help you heal your chakras and your emotional energy system using the energy of Divine Love. 2 CDs are available to work on the lower chakras and the upper chakras.
Sexual Energy Cultivation & Mastery: Brahmacharya, Tantra, Soul Travel, Bliss
This is a 2 hour 20 minute teaching on Brahmacharya, spiritual celibacy, Tantra, Taoist sexual energy practices, sexual energy cultivation, Kundalini awakening, Kundalini energy practices, Soul travel, out of body experiences, romantic relationships, and spiritual enlightenment. Topics are covered in-depth with the focus on personal experience and knowledge not usually found in books and public teachings.