Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
Satsang with the Self
Video: 477
Date: February 4, 2021
Title: Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
Running Time: 34:05
Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
Receive a Higher Self channeled message and meditation to align your mind and energy to awaken a direct experience of your deeper God-realized state.
We are all God Consciousness creating our human realities. We are remembering ourselves as God during this spiritual awakening process.
Along this journey we experience more of who we truly are and this reveals to us the false information that was restricting our happiness and awakening.
Receive a Higher Self channeled energy activation and alignment to start this channeled message. Once aligned, receive a powerful teaching that helps to reinforce the knowledge that will continue to advance your awakening process.
This video is an energy activation that will help you to direct experience more of your authentic self.
Understand, Dear Ones, that when you live from your Heart in this way, trusting that deepest desire to know the truth of yourself, the truth of this experience, when you trust that deepest desire it will align everything for you. It will align all of the experiences of your life to guide you towards this full state of remembrance. And if you trust this knowing, it will reveal to you all the ways your mind has believed in restriction.
You see, Dear One, we are trying to help you align with truth. Not a practice, not a method, not a religion, not even a spiritual teacher. All of those things are externalizations that we place upon ourselves to restrict ourselves until one day we finally wake up and understand that I was creating this the whole time.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
authentic, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, energy, god, guide, happiness, higher self, knowledge, life, love, meditation, method, mind, power, practice, quotes, religion, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teacher, teaching, truth, video