Live Your Life Heart-centered and Watch a New Reality Awaken
Receive a channeled message that helps you live from your heart. Trust your natural expression and watch your life change. Watch how experiences align on your soul’s path of awakening.
Channeled Message – Your Lives Have Been Taken Away From You. Your Reality Needs You.
In the last 6 months our entire way of life has been disrupted. This is the perfect opportunity for awakening! The challenges are helping us to witness and release the old patterns of past conditioning.
Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
We want you to simply listen to our words and notice how your own vibration changes. As you listen to our words you will feel the energy of our expression. You will feel your own energy body changing its frequency.
Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.
World’s Greatest Mantra – I love you and I wish you happiness
The higher spiritual dimensions consider this the most power mantra for humanity at this time in humanity’s ascension process. By repeating this blessing we can immediately transform the quality of our lives.
Change the Original Wounding of Mankind – Everything is Truly God Consciousness
Get ready for a breakthrough channeling from the Higher Self. The original wounding of mankind is the idea that you are not perfect, that you are flawed. From that wounding comes all personal confusion and suffering.
The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality
Satsang with the Self Video: 434 Date: August 20, 2020 Title: The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality Running Time: 1:16:12 The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality Do you want to turn your world upside? Do you want to discover […]
You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Live the fullest experience of your life with the help of this Higher Self message. You are the most magnificent creator. Watch the world cooperate with you when you apply the principles in this video teaching.
This State Celebrates the ‘I Am’ and Everything is Included
Feel your Heart and realize the power of Creation shines through you. Before your mind changes your Heart energy into the different human emotions, you feel the I Am as bliss. Cultivate the wisdom that allows your mind to stay effortlessly silent and your Heart radiant and open.
Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.
A perfect state of peace exists right now. You only need to understand how to perceive it with your mind. Right now silence exists. Right now stillness exists. Right now emptiness fills this moment.
3 Steps to Create as God Consciousness – 1st Awareness, 2nd Intelligence, 3rd Energy
Many people struggle to successfully reach their goals in life because they have forgotten the power they have as beings of God Consciousness. In this channeled teaching, be taught 3 steps for successful creation using the totality of your Self.
A Detailed Examination of the 5 Dimensions of the Human Reality
Five dimensions interact to create this human reality. The physical dimension of matter is only the outer dimension. Four more dimensions exist. The more inner the dimension, the more creative power and influence these forms have on your human experience.
Higher Self message about the problem of racial injustice and police brutality. You have a solution.
Listen to the message from the higher spiritual dimensions about the racism, violence and injustice happening in our world. Learn how to transform this unfortunate situation into peace, harmony, cooperation, equality, fairness and justice for all human beings.
11 Questions for the Higher Self about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience
Join the channeled Higher Self as ten questions about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience are answered. Topics range from attracting the virus due to fear, population control, a secret political agenda, how to make money in this economy, who created the virus, and more.
Higher Self Channeled Message – What are we learning from the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience?
Is the COVID-19 event part of humanity’s awakening and ascension process? Is this a time of prophecy – possibly a sign of the fall of mankind? How do the higher beings of light view our experience? How can we move forward in our lives with accurate knowledge?
Xpnsion Network Xtra Ordinary Experiences Interview with Lincoln Gergar
I am a featured guest on the TV show Xtra Ordinary Experiences by the Xpnsion Network. This show features the spiritual, out-of-body, and life-changing experiences from healers around the world.