Fill Your Reality with Empowering High Vibration Energy – Channeled Affirmation Practice
Satsang with the Self
Video: 455
Date: October 22, 2020
Title: Fill Your Reality with Empowering High Vibration Energy – Channeled Affirmation Practice
Running Time: 17:58
Fill Your Reality with Empowering High Vibration Energy – Channeled Affirmation Practice
Use this Higher Self channeling to align yourself with your creative power and then fill your reality with high vibration energy and words. These affirmations when listened to and felt will immediately lift you up in higher vibration and attract to you happiness and success.
We are all creators in our realities. We have the power to completely change our lives into experiences of amazing happiness and profound success. We have no limits when we align with our true selves.
Listen and feel the energy of the Higher Self in this channeled message as it fills your mind, emotions and body with powerful energy of bliss, happiness and enthusiasm. Celebrate your reality. Feel the happiness of your true self. Radiate love into this present moment. Change your life in the best way.
Use this high vibration affirmation practice daily to connect to your Higher Self to radiate your spiritual power to change your human reality.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
attract, bliss, body, change, channel, channeled, channeling, emotions, energy, happiness, higher self, life, love, media, mind, power, practice, radiate, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, true, video