Channeled Message – What is the purpose of fear in the human reality?

Monday, January 4th, 2021
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 465
Date: December 3, 2020
Title: Channeled Message – What is the purpose of fear in the human reality?
Running Time: 1:16:10

Channeled Message – What is the purpose of fear in the human reality?

Fear is the most misunderstood part of the human experience. Fear is not the opposite of love. Love has no opposite. Gain an in depth, accurate understanding of fear and why it is the most important emotion to master in this human reality.

This channeled message examines the human emotion of fear to help you gain creative mastery in your life.

Fear is a root chakra emotion that relates to the core beliefs we have about ourselves as a creator in our lives. Fear affects the flow of our creative energy – energy that starts at the root chakra and expresses upward through the chakra system (human psyche energy structure). Depending on how we respond to fear, fear can increase the flow of our creative energy to help us transform our threatening situations or fear can reduce and block the flow of creative energy causing us to get stuck in the threatening experience.

Our conscious understanding of fear and how we work with fear determines the failures and successes in our lives.

This is only the tip of the iceberg when examining the importance of fear in the human experience.

Watch this Higher Self channeled message to learn more about the human emotion of fear, the reasons why fear exists in our realities, and how we can master this human emotion to create a life of creative success and limitless happiness.

Blessings and Love.

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One Comment

  1. Colin says:

    “Fear,dear one is a necessary human emotion because it points the way back to your self and it points the way back to god.”

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