99 Days 99 Channels is the first Channel Higher Self video series made available to the public on YouTube and the internet.
In July 2008, I was guided by the Higher Self Consciousness to create a live, un-edited video series that presents the Higher Self’s answers to questions asked by a public audience. For 99 days, I invited anyone and everyone to submit their questions for the Higher Self to answer. No restrictions were placed on questions or topics. Click here to view the submitted topics.
99 Days 99 Channels officially began on August 11, 2008. For 99 consecutive days, I channeled the Higher Self Consciousness daily and posted these video channeling sessions on YouTube, Channel Higher Self, and the 99 Days 99 Channels website. Everyone was invited to join along in daily meditations and spiritual teachings.
Many changes happened throughout these 99 days of Higher Self channeling. I had undergone a significant spiritual awakening with many powerful experiences recorded during these video channelings. My Spiritual Heart awakened continuously and my energy system was deeply transformed. By the 99th day, I felt like a new person as the Higher Self Consciousness embodied more of my incarnate self. These videos are a testament to the powerful spiritual energy of the Higher Self that we all can experience if we are willing to open our Hearts and surrender our egos.
More significant than my own personal spiritual transformation were the transformations and spiritual awakenings experienced by many of my YouTube viewers. People from all over this beautiful world were guided and energetically assisted to explore deeper into themselves, to awaken the Divine Love and Higher Self Consciousness within their own Spiritual Heart, and to remove more of their restrictive personal egos. These 99 days were a magical experience that brought humanity one step closer to the collective realization of Divine Love and the Higher Self Consciousness.
Please explore this videos. You will find over 44 hours of channeled Higher Self messages. These videos are filled with the powerful transformative energy and wisdom of the Higher Self Consciousness. This energy and wisdom has the ability to awaken you to the deeper parts of your self and bring you more spiritual freedom, happiness and love. Simply watching these videos will transform you on all levels as the Higher Self within your Spiritual Heart is honored and activated.
Please visit 99 Days 99 Channels to watch all 99 videos. Or use the video list below.
- Celebrating Day 100 with Love, Gratitude, and Bliss
- Your Consciousness is the key to knowledge, wisdom, peace, and Love
- Activate your Divine Blueprint with the Power of Love
- Self-realization is the only end to suffering… completely
- Consciously creating thoughts to empower the spiritual path
- What is the #1 blockage on the spiritual path?
- What is the importance of Self Realization / Spiritual Enlightenment?
- Higher Self’s perspective on 11-11 November 11th
- Spiritual Enlightenment using plants, chemicals, alcohol, and drugs
- Wake Up – Gaining awareness of the dream
- How the media and TV affects human consciousness
- Thought is the last barrier to enlightenment
- Since everything is One God, is anything wrong?
- Self or Not Self – which is correct, Buddhism or Hinduism Yoga?
- The Oneness of the Spiritual Heart Guided Meditation
- The Principles of Truth – Our Eternal Nature and One Love
- Realizing the Perfection of the Self is different than dualistic ideas
- Responsibility – If everything is One God / One Life, are we still responsible?
- Transformation into a Higher Self realized human being EXPLAINED
- The Higher Self, the lower self, and how to tell the difference
- Having been hurt, how can a person trust and love again
- Are we alone in the universe? UFOs, Aliens, ETs
- Why did humanity get separated in the first place?
- Energy Body guided meditation – Merging the Self with all parts of your self
- How to free yourself from the control of the power elite
- How to Declare the Truth of your Spiritual Heart
- Humanity’s collective consciousness in relation to the One Consciousness of God
- Should we struggle for money if we don’t believe in it?
- Can you prove that the Higher Self exists?
- The Sacred Heart – the key to meditation and True Love
- Higher Self explains Being Created in the Image of God
- Higher Self comparing Ascension and Enlightenment
- What is the Higher Self – a direct experience and empowerment
- Staying in Love, Peace, and Presence within this world humanity
- Finding Peace within Chaos – Stability within Change
- Spiritual Enlightenment – take steps or leap right now?
- How to Begin a Spiritual Path
- Experiencing True Unconditional Love, even when the mind disagrees
- The choice is yours – I AM Self or future self
- Can a Soul Mate or Twin Flame bring true happiness?
- Understanding Your Emotions. Choosing Love.
- Remove all ego identification – Higher Self Guided Meditation
- Out of Body Experience OR Going Within the Self
- How to Overcome Fear
- Journey into the Spiritual Heart Meditation
- Understanding Ritual, Prayer, and Meditation
- Asking the Higher Self, does Hell exist?
- Why do evil and evil people exist?
- How to become one with your performance
- Creating music, creating Self Realization Enlightenment
- The Moon as a reflection of who we are
- Giving up the world to know the Self
- Forgiveness is the Surrendering of the Ego Mind
- A Spiritual Perspective on Homosexuality
- Is it healthy to eat meat, physically & spiritually
- Higher Perspective on Sexual Energy Tantra Practices
- How to create Love in our romantic relationships
- How to communicate with your Spiritual Guides
- The Sacred Sound OM – AUM – Meditation & Education
- Understanding the Divine Will of God and Surrender
- Seeing tragedy as wisdom
- Economic Instability and Possible Collapse
- Higher Self, why is there suffering?
- Earth Changes 2012 Prophecy – What are we to do?
- Buddhas, why do we reincarnate?
- Getting the most energy from your food
- Ask Higher Self – What is True Freedom
- Divine Design – the Sun as our Healer
- How to raise your children with Love
- Manifestation – Should I surrender or control?
- How to Heal Illness and Disease with Love
- The Sun as a teacher of Light and Love
- How to create a manifestation board
- Higher Self guides you to Surrender
- All healing originates in Love
- Tools to stay in Awareness of your Higher Self
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- How to be free of attachment & free of suffering
- How to find your spiritual teacher
- Time is thought in this eternal now moment
- The Light of God ; the Light of Self – EXPLAINED
- Love – the simplest way to meditate
- Ever expanding Universe, ever expanding Self
- Asking the Higher Self – Why does suffering exist?
- Identification is keeping you from God Consciousness
- Freedom from Karma Exists Now
- Relax into Pure Awareness, the Foundation of Life
- Find your Life Purpose, created by your Soul
- Higher Self Guided Chakra Meditation
- Experiencing True Love in Relationships
- Quantum Physics is the science of Consciousness
- Consciously Creating your Emotions
- Use Discernment to Manifest from Wholeness
- Discern the Source of your Desires to Manifest
- How to stay in Presence & manifest as a Conscious Being
- Exercise your Body – Exercise your Intentions
- The Self and God are One. Know Thyself.
- Pure Energy is what you are.
- Meditation on the Self
- Higher Mind, Lower Mind, No Mind
- Introduction to 99 Days 99 Channels