Since everything is One God, is anything wrong?
99 Days 99 Channels
Video: 88
Title: Since everything is One God, is anything wrong?
Date: November 6, 2008
Running Time: 20:47
Video Parts: 3
Since everything is One God, is anything wrong?
Since everything is One God, is anything wrong?
Listen as the Higher Self educates us on the judgement of right and wrong in the experience of the One God.
Learn how it is the mind that judges people and experiences, while the heart knows the only truth as oneness.
Learn how to honor your heart’s intelligence to let it guide you in making decisions.
Learn to follow your heart and you will never create imbalance or disharmony in life.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, god, guide, harmony, higher self, learn, life, media, mind, oneness, self, truth, video