Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Listening to Another’s Emotions
Satsang with the Self
Video: 320
Date: August 9, 2017
Title: Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Listening to Another’s Emotions
Running Time:
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Listening to Another’s Emotions
Every person communicates at many levels, including with emotional energy. Learn how to listen to another’s emotions so you understand what is truly being communicated. Even more important than words are the feelings we express.
Relationships are at the center of our lives. Without the skill of being a good listener, it’s impossible to have a close, intimate, nourishing relationship. And that is something we all want. Examine a person’s life and it becomes clear that the quality of their human relationships have the greatest impact on their personal happiness and success.
In this Higher Self channeled video teaching, we examine the process of sensing another person’s emotions. Emotions are very real energies that we can perceive and understand. Held inside the emotional feeling is the information from the deeper parts of the mind. By being able to perceive the actual vibration that a person is communicating along with their words, we can gain a deeper and more extensive understanding of what is actually being communicated. With our expanded listening ability, we can then respond more effectively.
Included along with the informative teachings are exercises that you can practice to develop your ability to sense and understand another’s emotions (called empathy or being empathic). Take these teachings out into the world and develop yourself into greater mastery as a spiritual human being.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, emotions, energy, exercise, happiness, higher consciousness, higher self, learn, life, love, master, mate, mind, practice, relationship, relationships, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, video