Remote Viewing / Open Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Measured Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Modern scientific equipment can measure what happens in the brain when experiencing awakened spiritual states of higher consciousness. We now have proof that spiritual experiences are real and not imaginary. Watch as I open my third eye and remote view a physical location in Sedona.
AnaAkun Interview – How to ground? Live the life you love, enjoy and desire
Listen to Lincoln talk about his experiences with health, diet, exercise, and staying grounded in this human reality as a channel in this next topic in this 3rd AnaAkun interview.
How Purified is your Mind? The Only True Method to Measure Your Spiritual Purity
How spiritually awakened do you honestly think you are? Are you curious to truly see? Are you afraid to look into the mirror of your own self? There is a way to honestly determine your own level of mental purification and spiritual enlightenment.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Listening to Another’s Emotions
Every person communicates at many levels, including with emotional energy. Learn how to listen to another’s emotions so you understand what is truly being communicated.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – The Original Relationship: Awareness with Form
The original relationship is awareness with form. This primary relationship existed as the first creation in the Universe and continues to exist in every moment of our lives. We can learn to perceive this original relationship by focusing our awareness in a special way.
Mind Mastery: Why We Meditate
Welcome to the 1st video in the new Channel Higher Self miniseries on Mind Mastery. In our previous video miniseries we learned about our emotions. Now we journey deeper in to the human mind.
Will the Modern Medicine System Discover the Cure for Cancer?
The first documented case of cancer was in 1600 BC in Egypt. For over, 3600 years humanity has been searching for the cure to cancer! Is the modern medical system advanced enough to finally cure cancer?
Remove Emotional Blocks: Using Affirmations Correctly
The mind creates the emotions. Use your mind correctly and you will experience only the emotions you want and none that you do not. Use these Higher Self channeled exercises to create emotional mastery in your self.
Remove Emotional Blocks: You are a Creator
People fail at manifesting success because their emotions don’t agree with their thoughts. Success will only happen when your thoughts create your emotional energy and the subconscious mind does not interfere. Learn how successful manifestation works on an emotional level in this Higher Self video teaching.
Remove Emotional Blocks: Fear Stops You From Changing
Fear is not the opposite of Love. Love has no opposite; it is the energy creating all life. Fear is the emotion that stops the process of change. When we are afraid we stop using our creative power. Understand the lessons that fear has for you in this Higher Self channeled video teaching.
Guided Self Transformation Exercise – Reprogram the Core of your Reality
The secret to successful manifestation and conscious creation is how you define your reality. Using affirmations to counteract limiting core beliefs will not work. You must go into your mind’s depth and reprogram from Higher Consciousness. This video will guide you in this process.
Inner Alchemy: Regain Control of your Emotional Energy System
From day 1, you were taught that the eternal world controlled your emotions and feelings. Today we are teaching you how to regain control. Emotional mastery is yours. Emotional freedom is now!
2 Workshops: April 5: Removing Stress; April 6: Day of Meditation (Altanta, GA)
Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work.
Spring Solstice: Living in Balance with Life and Spiritual Selves
To honor the Spring Solstice, the Higher Self will teach us how to create balance in our lives by living with a deeper spiritual connection. Understand the changes and challenges in your life in a new way.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 21: Mastering the Laws of Change
As you create changes within yourself, the world will change around you. Learn how to work with changes in yourself and in your life to achieve your goals with ease.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 15: Creative Power of Your Voice
We speak not only words, but also emotional energy, mental energy and creative power. The definitions of the words we speak communicate with the minds of other people. But the energy we speak communicates with the field of energy underlying this physical dimension.