Lincoln featured on Leisa Peterson’s Art of Abundance WealthClinic
Interviews & Appearances
Date: October 12, 2017
Title: Lincoln featured on Leisa Peterson’s Art of Abundance WealthClinic
Running Time: 2:22:30
Lincoln featured on Leisa Peterson’s Art of Abundance WealthClinic
Art of Abundance podcast features your Higher Self channel. For 2.5 hours learn about Lincoln’s experience as a channel, how the energetic universe we live in functions, and much more. This interview is as much an introduction to Lincoln’s journey as a soul as it is a teaching on how to work within our human minds to change the direction of our lives. We are all powerful creators awakening to what we are.
AALP 167 – Channeling Abundance with Lincoln Gergar
with Leisa Peterson of WealthClinic® – Leisa Peterson, Business Strategist & Money Coach and Lincoln Gergar of YouTube’s Channel Higher Self
Many of you know that I witnessed parts of a horrific shooting in Reno, Nevada in 2013. What you likely don’t know is my story of healing from the aftermath of the trauma. Today I am sharing a 5 part series with Lincoln Gergar. Lincoln teaches about spiritual understanding and higher self realizations through his YouTube channel, Channel Higher Self — after the shooting I found myself drawn to his videos about PTSD to help me process through and eventually heal from the trauma I experienced.
Several years later I had the opportunity to meet with Lincoln and do a channeling session which helped me to understand many aspects of my life that were confusing to me at the time.
Lincoln doesn’t grant many interviews and I am honored to share this profound discussion with you. Today’s part explores ways to deal with stress and trauma in one’s life. Lincoln also shares: -How to approach meditation so that you learn how to become more of yourself.
– What it means to “allow” life to happen outside of resistance.
– How he came to channeling and what happens as part of this process.
– What it means to awaken your soul to the human experience.
– How he helps people who are stuck in resistance.
I look forward to sharing all five parts of the conversation with you over the coming few weeks. To listen to my podcast, go to Leisa Peterson’s WealthClinic – Art of Abundance Podcast
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
This Video is Tagged With:
abundance, change, channel, channeling, chi, heal, healing, higher self, I AM, interview, learn, life, lincoln, meditation, mind, money, power, self, session, spirit, spiritual, story, teach, teaching, video, wealth
I’m loving it!!
you look different than during higherself sessions 😀
that’s nice to see, you look more human, more reachable
we, human, can relate to you. I can’t explain any clearer 🙂
Thanks for everything ♥
Awesome interview. I received many messages and learned so much from it. Thank you
Thank you for your comment Zaid. I am happy that you benefited from this interview. Blessings on your path.
I understand your statement. The purposes of myself speaking through my human personality and of myself speaking through the Higher Self Consciousness have their similarities and differences. Both benefit different aspects of those who watch my videos. My human personality is more resonate with the human personalities of others, while the watching the Higher Self awakens the parts of a person beyond their human personality.