Interview with Lincoln Gergar, Higher Self channel, and Alan Steinfield, author of Making Contact
Alan Steinfeld, author of Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence interviews Lincoln Gergar, a channel for Higher Self Consciousness, in this New Realities podcast.
AnaAkun Interview – What does eternity mean to you? Do we exist for eternity?
Learn about the channel’s experience of eternity and existing as an eternal consciousness in this interview question. What is it like to know you are an eternal soul / eternal consciousness? How does experiencing your eternal nature influence how you create your life as a human being?
AnaAkun Interview – Is it important to remember our dreams?
How important is dreaming? Do our dreams contain messages from our spirit guides or Higher Self? Should we use dream journals or dream interpretation?
AnaAkun Interview – Where does our awareness go when we sleep?
What happens to our consciousness when we are sleeping? When we stop having awareness do we still exist? How can we learn how to stay aware in the sleep state?
AnaAkun Interview – Are there health consequences to nocturnal living?
Is sleeping during the day and staying awake at night healthy? Is the human body designed to be nocturnal?
AnaAkun Interview – Does the Casual Body (Mind) have Feminine and Masculine Qualities?
The Higher Self teaches that all of life has feminine and masculine qualities. What are the female and male qualities and energies that exist in the causal body (mind)?
AnaAkun Interview – Does the Matrix exist for real?
Does the matrix exist and what is it? How much control do we have over our realities? Are we being controlled by external forces or nonphysical beings?
AnaAkun Interview – What age comes after the Information Age?
Currently humanity is in the Information Age – where communication technologies and information are the most valued and influential area of human life. What does Lincoln see will come after the Information Age for mankind?
AnaAkun Interview – Do people who have died see and hear us from the other side?
re nonphysical beings and past-on human souls able to see us? And can they tell when we can see them?
AnaAkun Interview – Can we see our future before it happens? How accurate are predictions?
When we have visions of our future, are they accurate? How can we know if we are truly seeing the future or only imagining something we believe the future will be?
AnaAkun Interview – What do repeating numbers like 1111 mean? Is it a spiritual sign?
Are the angels or our spirit guides communicating with us when we see repeating numbers like 11, 11:11, 333, 555, etc? What does it mean when we see special numbers or signs from the Universe like this?
AnaAkun Interview – Do cats see spirits?
Have you noticed your cat acting strange – watching invisible things or chasing after nothing? Are they seeing spirits? Can cats see the nonphysical reality?
AnaAkun Interview – What is ego? What is not ego?
Here is the first video in my new interview on AnaAkun YouTube channel. In this this interview, I answer questions submitted by my Facebook audience.
AnaAkun Interview – Can sound be used for enlightenment and healing?
Listen to Lincoln explain his experience with sound therapy, sound healing, using sound to enhance meditation and how sound can support our process of spiritual enlightenment in this AnaAkun interview.
AnaAkun Interview – Is Hollywood torturing children during sexual rituals?
Hear Lincoln’s perspective when he’s asked about the sexual exploitation of children that has become a topic in the news media.
AnaAkun Interview – We choose what we channel, so who are we as consciousness?
Lincoln has said that we are constantly choosing what we channel – the personal ego, the Higher Self, other people’s emotions or even non-physical beings. So who are we then? Who am I as the consciousness that channels different forms of intelligence?