Radiant Heart Series webinar featuring Higher Self Channel, Doreen Virtue, Ronna Herman, Randall Monk
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, myself and 9 other authors, mediums, channels and teachers will join together to share teachings, guided meditations and energy activations to help you awaken your Radiant Heart.
Receive video teachings well-known teachers like Doreen Virtue, Ronna Herman, Randall Monk, Elizabeth Foley Ph.D., Lincoln Gergar (myself), Lisa Love and others.
You can learn more at https://www.radiantheartseries.com
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadiantHeartSeries/
Join our Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1903000766623728/
I look forward to supporting you on your journey of awakening.
Living From Your Radiant Heart
- Coryelle Kramer ~ Being Your Own Best Compassionate Friend (45 min)
- Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. ~ Healing Divine Love and Light (30 min)
- Elizabeth Foley Ph.D. ~ Love is the Language of the Soul (15 min)
- Ethan Wasiejko ~ I am POWERFUL, just like you (15 min)
- Julie Hartman ~ One Breath, One Heartbeat at a Time: A Journey Into Mindful Meditation (30 min)
- Lauren Rainbow ~ The Universe is Calling You! Are you Ready to Answer? (45 min)
- Lincoln Gergar ~ Strong Enough to Shine: Living Your Heart’s Truth (75 min)
- Lisa Love ~ Radiant Heart, Radiant Soul: Awaken to the Light that You Are (45 min)
- Randall Monk ~ The Ultimate Ascension Tool (45 min)
- Ronna Herman ~ Gems of Wisdom from Archangel Michael (45 min)
Date: Saturday, Sept 16, 2017 (all videos will be available for one month)
Time: 1:00 pm EST
Cost: $125 (early bird registration if paid in full by Sept 1, then only $95)
This Video is Tagged With:
ascension, change, channel, chi, divine, energy, guide, guided meditation, heal, healing, higher self, I AM, learn, light, lincoln, love, mate, meditation, mind, power, self, teach, teacher, teaching, truth, video, wisdom