What would happen if you embrace the Higher Self’s idea that “Everything is the Perfection of God”?
Satsang with the Self
Video: 383
Date: February 4, 2020
Title: What would happen if you embrace the Higher Self’s idea that “Everything is the Perfection of God”?
Running Time: 27:25
What would happen if you embrace the Higher Self’s idea that “Everything is the Perfection of God”?
If you remove your resistance to life, happiness will flow to you in an effortless way. Automatically your awareness will expand. Automatically you will perceive more and learn more. Without restrictive thoughts and emotions, your mind will understand the cause and effect creative process of whatever you are aware of. Automatically the stress will leave your body and health will return. Automatically your mind will receive your body’s communication that guides you how to eat and when to move or rest. Every part of your life will return to it’s inherent design of perfection when you are able to trust the Perfection of God’s design of life.
With no resistance in your thoughts or feelings, embrace your experience of the present moment and everything that appears right now. Know that all is God and you will experience the bliss of oneness with God as you remove your resistance in this present moment.
Everything is perfect. All forms are manifesting in exactly the way they need to happen right now. The perfection of all life includes the desires inherent within every form.
All of the forms of life in every dimension of existence have desire. The physical forms desire to exist, to live. The forms of emotional energy desire expansion and strength. This is the desire for happiness. The mental forms desire knowledge about creation. The spiritual forms, like your soul, has the desire to exist.
Apply the simple, yet complete idea that “everything is the perfection of God” and you will experience a completely transformed reality. Peace and bliss will become your constant state. Ease will be a continual experience. You will realize the oneness state. You will return to who you truly are.
Let the Higher Self Consciousness teach you how to realize the fullness of yourself so that you may return to an experience of absolute perfection.
Blessings and Love.
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awareness, bliss, body, consciousness, creation, emotions, energy, god, guide, happiness, heal, health, higher self, knowledge, learn, life, love, mind, oneness, peace, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, thought, thoughts, video