Guided Meditation – How to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself
Satsang with the Self
Video: 333
Date: April 26, 2018
Title: Guided Meditation – How to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself
Running Time: 23:21
Guided Meditation – How to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself
This guided meditation accompanies the video teaching “How to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself When Life is Difficult”. I recommend you first watch this video to understand the reasoning behind this meditation.
The purpose of this meditation is to awaken the Spiritual Heart – your deepest energy center, where your soul first enters this human experience – and connect the Heart to the physical body, emotional energy system (chakras) and mind (aura). Through building this connection, the karma in the human being is purified, resulting in peace, love and oneness.
When you practice this guided meditation, have a relaxed body and focused attention. Follow the instructions as they guide you to move your awareness to different locations of your human self. Try to perceive the subtle energies with your awareness as you follow the guidance.
With time and practice you will notice remarkable changes in the quality of your thoughts, emotions, and physical well being.
I wish you all great happiness in your lives and success in reaching your goals.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, chakra, change, chi, emotions, energy, guidance, guide, guided meditation, happiness, karma, life, love, meditation, mind, oneness, peace, practice, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, thought, thoughts, video
Hi Lincoln,, I found this video to be quite powerful . as you may rememeber, we spoke about the breath in our session and i was trying to articulate how important and key it was in finding out all there is to know.. soon to begin my long walks once again, breath by breath.. i know what to do but struggle actually doing it, and to keep going!! this is the hardest part.. your video is graced with the number 333.. no surprise there.. Lincoln thank you for your steady influence.. all lovelightlaughterfor this world.
Thank you Star for your message. I am very happy that this video has provided you with more information and experience to deepen your understanding of the breath and it’s power. I will send prayers of love and strength to support you on your journeys ahead. Have a blessed day. Namaste.