11 Questions for the Higher Self about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience
Join the channeled Higher Self as ten questions about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience are answered. Topics range from attracting the virus due to fear, population control, a secret political agenda, how to make money in this economy, who created the virus, and more.
Find Your Center During This Time of Intense Emotion and World Change
In this time of intense emotions, social instability and world change, it is easy to feel ungrounded, not centered and stressed out. Learn how to connect to your energetic center – the place within yourself where your mind becomes peaceful and quiet and your emotions relax.
Increase Your Immunity & Health – Higher Self Channeled Meditation
Increase your health and immune system with Higher Self white light energy. Raise the vibration of your nervous system and feel electricity in your cells. Fill your aura with Higher Self spiritual energy and protect yourself from lower vibrations.
New for 2020 – Higher Self Courses & Classes on Many Topics
2020 will begin the start of an ongoing collection of Higher Self channeled course and classes. Topics will include silencing the mind, opening the Spiritual Heart, co-creating healthy relationships, healing past emotional wounds, and many more.
Higher Self Channeling – Connect to Your Higher Self – Episode 42 They Call Us Channelers
Dive inside the mind and experience of Higher Self channel Lincoln Gergar in this video interview with Kevin Moore in his They Call Us Channelers docuseries.
What would happen if you embrace the Higher Self’s idea that “Everything is the Perfection of God”?
If you remove your resistance to life, happiness will flow to you in an effortless way. very part of your life will return to it’s inherent design of perfection when you are able to trust the Perfection of God’s design of life.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – Masculine and Feminine Spiritual Practices
Did you know that there are different spiritual practices for men and for women? Learn about the masculine and feminine parts of the human psyche and energy system and which practices are most effective for men and women.
Self Sourcing Your Creative Energy vs Exchanging Energy With Others
You are God Consciousness – the source of creative energy in your human reality. Awaken to the direct experience of your creative power. It is easier than you know.
The Totality of Everything You Perceive is You – Higher Self Channeling
All Channel Higher Self videos teach authentic awakening. This video focuses specifically on integrating the oneness of all that is. Be guided into a state of understanding in which everything is experienced as perfect in this present moment.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – We Create at our Highest Level
All people are doing the best they can in every experience in every moment. Is this true? What watch happens when you accept this idea. Everything changes!
Questions & Answers About Higher Self Personal Sessions
Read my responses to questions about my personal Higher Self channeling sessions, in which I channel answers to questions and requested placed by a client.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Building a Bridge with Communication
Healthy communicating is a bridge that unites two minds with two different understandings of reality. Like building a bridge, there are important steps to the process of building a healthy relationship.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Asking Questions to Understand
To truly understand another person, we have to be able to perceive into their mind. It is the questions we ask that cause another person to open their mind and show us how they think.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Being A Pillar of Support
Learn how to support the person you are listening to by using communication, body language, physical touch and emotional energy.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Start Your Relationship with the Greatest Energy
If you want a healthy, loving relationship, you must start the relationship correctly. Learn the Higher Consciousness way to begin a new relationship with the best energy. Starting with the best energy will create a successful relationship.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Learn how to Love Yourself
Every human being seeks happiness. It is the one desire that we all share and the motivation for every choice we make. Do you know how to always feel happy in every moment of your life? Do you know that happiness is something you can create?