Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Start Your Relationship with the Greatest Energy
Satsang with the Self
Video: 318
Date: July 6, 2017
Title: Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Start Your Relationship with the Greatest Energy
Running Time: 38:46
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Start Your Relationship with the Greatest Energy
If you want a healthy, loving relationship, you must start the relationship correctly. Learn the Higher Consciousness way to begin a new relationship with the best energy. Starting with the best energy will create a successful relationship.
Having relationships are why we are here. Don’t believe me?
Examine every single experience that you have had, are having and will have. Every single experience involves you and another form of life – whether another human being, an animal, a plant, an emotion, a thought, etc. How you understand and create your relationships determines the quality of life you have.
Your entire experience as a creator is a matrix of continuous relationships. This matrix is not just an intellectual idea, it is an actual energetic structure that can be perceived. We can feel the energy of this matrix extending from our Spiritual Heart, at the center of our chest, outwards into our environment.
Our interaction with every person and every object is determined by the quality of energy existing within this matrix flowing from our Spiritual Heart center.
The Spiritual Heart is the deepest energy center in the human experience. It is the first place where our soul’s consciousness enters into the human creative experience. The deepest understanding we have determines how our Heart energy manifests and how strongly it flows.
Your Heart shines pure love – the direct experience of Oneness with all life. You can learn to bypass the restrictive mind with it’s judgments, conditions, and limiting beliefs to enter into the direct experience of our Heart’s pure loving energy. You can not just understand, but truly experience oneness with all life and bring this quality of remarkable happiness into every relationship you begin.
Learn how to start the creation of your relationships from this deepest place within yourself. The process is very simple and extremely powerful.
Having successful relationships is already within your potential. In fact, it is already within your being! Learn how to access this part of you that holds happiness within yourself and expresses happiness in all the relationships you create.
Blessings and Love.
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consciousness, creation, energy, happiness, heal, health, higher consciousness, learn, life, love, mind, oneness, power, relationship, relationships, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, successful, thought, video