Remove Emotional Blocks: Removing Stubborn Emotions

Thursday, February 5th, 2015
Posted by

Satsang with the Self
Video: 266
Date: February 4, 2015
Title: Remove Emotional Blocks: Removing Stubborn Emotions
Running Time: 40:23

Remove Emotional Blocks: Removing Stubborn Emotions

Are you stuck in emotional patterns that do not change? Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions? Why are emotions difficult to control? Be free from stubborn emotions and create the peace, happiness and freedom that you deserve.

Our emotions are created in 2 primary ways:

1) We consciously create our emotions using our will in the present moment.
2) Our subconscious mind automatically creates emotions reactions that we are not choosing to create in the present moment.

Wouldn’t it be great to only feel the emotions that you choose to? Of course it would! Every person wants to be able to feel happiness, peace, joy, love, confidence, and all the other positive emotions all the time. But why don’t we? Why does our subconscious mind create emotions that we do not enjoy? And why are these emotions so difficult to change?

Learn the keys to mastering your emotions – conscious and subconscious in the Channel Higher Self video teaching.

Blessings and Love.

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  1. Ben says:

    Great video. Very useful and helpful. Thank you

  2. Colin says:

    “If you learn how to control your subconscious mind then the reoccurrence of these emotions will stop. This happens not through suppression. This happens not through denial. This happens not through self abuse. This happens through self love and empowerment with creative mastery. You love yourself enough, dear one, to no longer allow yourself to go in to states of suffering. You love yourself enough to not allow your mind to continue to create this self abusive emotions. When you feel fear, when you feel anger, when you feel guilt or shame that comes from past memories, in the present moment you are changing your emotions to be that which causes illness, disease, imbalance, and suffering. And so in this way the subconscious mind is abusing you. Please do not be angered with the subconscious mind. We will explain that this abuse is not intentional. It is simply a self preservation and survival technique.”

    -Lincoln the Channel for Higher Self
    Satsang with the Self Video #266

  3. Colin says:

    “Realize that we did not teach you to deny your emotions. We did not teach you judge yourself for your emotions either. Never did we say to tell yourself you’re weak, or bad, or wrong. Never did we tell you to condemn your past or any people that have been in your past related to these emotions. Instead we brought you in to the present moment. We brought you in to the present moment to look around to observe your physical environment and to see, is there an actual threat. Some times we feel emotions because our higher self is trying to guide us. Other times we feel these emotions because our subconscious mind is going in to old memories and pulling them up. You dear ones must live consciously. And be able to discern, what is your inner guidance, and what is your subconscious mind’s memory based activity.”

    -Lincoln the Channel for Higher Self
    Satsang with the Self Video #266

  4. Colin says:

    “You are a being of light and love and within your [spiritual] heart is your deepest knowledge, within your heart is your deepest truth.”

    -Lincoln the Channel for Higher Self
    Satsang with the Self Video #266

  5. Sue says:

    Thank you Lincoln.
    Discerning between the sub conscious mind and the higher self is really challenging! Your tips on this are very helpful. If you feel someone’s verbal behaviour threatening and upsetting is it the higher self or the sub conscious that wants to remove yourself from the situation?
    Thank you and blessings

  6. Lincoln says:

    Hello Sue. The answer to your question will depend on the exact situation a person is in and how the intelligence to “remove yourself from the situation” is expressing.

    The Higher Self communicates from a silent state of knowing that can be audible but is not always audible. If audible, the “voice” will be heard coming from the crown chakra area of the brain, and not the frontal lobe like personal thoughts do. This knowing is heard in the crown chakra area but is felt in the depth of the mind, at the center of the being, near the heart area of the physical body. This location is different than the emotional heart or the heart chakra. If you are aware of this pathway of communication, then you can determine if it is your Higher Self guiding you in that moment.

    The subconscious mind (ego) will communicate in a different way. The communication will include one or more of the chakras becoming active, expressing the related emotions. The thoughts in the mind will become very active and rapid, occurring in the frontal lobe area of the brain.

    By understanding the different ways that communication happen, a person can discern the difference between Higher Self communication and subconscious mind communication.

  7. Sue says:

    Thanks Lincoln,
    That’s really helpful!

  8. Colin says:

    “One of the teachings of spirituality is to live in the present moment with conscious control over your minds activities. This is truly the core of most spiritual methods. Yoga, Buddhism, many traditions require you to gain control over your mind’s activities so that you can experience the peace, the freedom, the bliss, the happiness, and the love at all times in every moment.”

    -Lincoln the Channel for Higher Self
    Satsang with the Self Video #266

  9. Colin says:

    ^I left out the words “learn to” in the quote above. The rest of it is spot on, please delete the above post. ^

  10. Colin says:

    “One of the teachings of spirituality is to learn to live in the present moment with conscious control over your minds activities. This is truly the core of most spiritual methods. Yoga, Buddhism, many traditions require you to gain control over your mind’s activities so that you can experience the peace, the freedom, the bliss, the happiness, and the love at all times in every moment.”

    -Lincoln the Channel for Higher Self
    Satsang with the Self Video #266

  11. Anson says:

    Hi Lincoln,

    For me, stubborn emotions arise instantly and very intensely when being challenged on my opinion/knowledge of certain things where I consider myself an “expert”. I react very stubbornly in these scenarios and it is harmful to my relationship with that person, and it is toxic in general.

    I am wondering what is the best way to put your advice into action more often? Your recommendation seems to be to (a) recognize those moments, (b) observe the new emotion, (c) evaluate the environment and what is the rationally appropriate emotion, and (d) use willpower to CHOOSE to override the automatic emotion with the preferred emotion. Did I understand correctly? If so, this makes a lot of sense to me. However, situations like the one affecting me don’t happen that often – perhaps once or twice per month? – and when they do happen they can be devastating. My question is: how can I create a way for myself to practice this on a daily basis, rather than wait a few weeks for the next opportunity to learn and practice? I thought about bringing up situations from the past to pull myself back into the stubborn emotional state, so that I can practice “overriding” the emotion, but that seems to conflict with your advice of letting go of the past. Thoughts?

    Thank you for your wisdom.
    Also, thanks to Erdal who directed me to your videos. This type of spiritual journey has been elusive to me before and your online content has found me at a good time and made the journey feel a lot more accessible.


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