Focus on what you desire most and experience a life your Truly Love

Sunday, December 15th, 2019
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 370
Date: December 2, 2019
Title: Focus on what you desire most and experience a life your Truly Love
Running Time: 28:17

Focus on what you desire most and experience a life your Truly Love

Whatever vibration you are vibrating at in the present moment is shaping your external world and the events of your life. Learn how to consciously direct your mind to focus on the vibration and energy you desire most and watch as your life transforms into blissful happiness.

All that is needed is to direct your mind to create any spark of happiness. One moment of focusing on happiness has the power to change every other part of your life.

The more you Love, the more your Consciousness expands into your own reality. The more your intelligence grows in wisdom, the more your energy influences the experiences of your life, and the more your awareness expands in perception of subtle energy. The more you embrace your life with your Consciousness, the greater your soul becomes and the greater your life becomes as an experiential reality. You are the creator of your reality.

You are learning that you are God Consciousness. Your Awareness, Intelligence and Energy Grow as you Love Every Present Moment. Choose Love as the feeling within your body. Embrace every cell of your body with your Spiritual Heart’s energy. You are the creator of your life. Choose Love.

When you know that you are love, you do not need to change a single thing in your life in order to experience happiness. It is not necessary to focus on the individual parts of your life for these part to change. You can focus on the big picture experience of being happiness itself, then all the parts of your life will automatically change to become more loving. You are the creator of your life. What you focus upon becomes a greater part of your life.

Blessings and Love.

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