Lincoln of Channel Higher Self with Jonathan Rickert | Measuring Unity Consciousness Brain EEG Study
Lincoln, an advanced mediator, psychic and channel, had his brain studied to discover when happens during states of non-ordinary reality. Jonathan Rickert of Awareness Ascending and Lincoln of Channel Higher Self discuss what happens inside the brain when in altered states of higher consciousness.
Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Proven Scientific Evidence of Kundalini Awakening | Measuring Unity Consciusness
Kundalini energy is real and it can be measured with scientific machines. Watch as I use my conscious mind to raise the kundalini in my entire nervous system and it’s shown on a live brain EEG and heart EEG monitor.
Deepen Your Meditation Instantly – Trust the Present Moment Right Now
The God Consciousness Universal Intelligence that is creating everything knows that this present moment is absolutely perfect. Trust this and watch your meditation instantly deepen.
Honoring the Divine Mother in Every Dimension – A Higher Self Guided Meditation
Journey through all the dimensions of your self, understanding, honoring and uniting the Divine Mother in all her forms. Honor and awaken the Divine Mother in your inner self and in your outer life.
What if meditation is too difficult?
This article is a follow-up to What is meditation? How to practice meditation. Learn 6 spiritual practices that prepare you for meditation. These practices create a focused, quiet mind, peaceful emotions and greater self-mastery.
Guided Meditation to Expand Your Consciousness with Your Breath
In nearly every culture and language, spirit means breath. Ancient cultures and wise men studied the breath and knew it’s power and sacredness.
2 Workshops: April 5: Removing Stress; April 6: Day of Meditation (Altanta, GA)
Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Sushumna Chakra Breathing
Move energy up and down your spine, energizing and healing your chakras with prana / chi. This 10 minute Higher Self meditation teaches you how to empower your chakra system with Higher Self energy and life force.
August 31, 2013 in Amsterdam: Secrets of Your Breath – Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of Your Body
The final stop on the 2013 Channel Higher Self European Tour is Amsterdam, Netherlands. Your breath has always been the most effective tool for you. Your breath controls your mind, emotions, energy system and physical body.
Learn Authentic Meditation – Workshop – Zurich, July 20, 2013
The meditation instruction provided will be a unique combination of ancient methods from Yoga, Kundalini and forest dwelling Buddhism (pre-monastic era), along with the Higher Self knowledge and guidance.
Chakra Healing and Awakening Guided Energy Work Meditation – CD & mp3 album
The purpose of this Higher Self channeled meditation and energy healing method is to help you heal your chakras and your emotional energy system using the energy of Divine Love. 2 CDs are available to work on the lower chakras and the upper chakras.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 10: Unlimited Chakra Energy
Connect with the source of unlimited creative energy inside your chakras. You are receiving a free pass to true emotional happiness, self empowerment and personal mastery. This Higher Self teaching is unlike anything you’ve found before.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 9: Chakra Alignment
The personality is created by the energy patterns in our chakras. By awakening your chakras in a specific way and connecting them to your Higher Self, you can effortlessly transform and heal. The process is easy, but requires proper guidance.
Kundalini activation practices. Which are best. Which are dangerous.
There many different teachings, techniques, and methods. What are the best kundalini awakening practices to use? How doe they work?
Physical purification and healing caused by spiritual practices
Understand the relationship between the human energy system and our physical health. Learn about the most common detoxification and physical healing experiences that are created by kundalini awakening energy.