Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
Receive a Higher Self channeled message and meditation to align your mind and energy to awaken a direct experience of your deeper God-realized state.
Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery begins in a few days. Register now.
Relationships are the most important part of the human experience – especially in spirituality. Relationships are were we see the clearest reflection of our awakening. Relationships challenge us to help us grow into more heart-centered creators.
Higher Self Retreat in Sedona, Arizona ~ May 6-9, 2021
Join Lincoln the channel for Higher Self in a 4-day retreat in the magical Sedona, Arizona USA. Receive 6 hours of channeled teachings and energy practices each day.
Next Higher Self Inner Circle April 2021 – Learn the Higher Self Way to Create Healthy Relationships
The next Higher Self Inner Circle is about to begin. Every week for 3 months received channeled teachings to create healthy, loving relationships.
When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
Do you feel sadness, grief, fear or emotional pain when you focus on your heart? Is your meditation very uncomfortable? Do you feel you want to stop meditating because it’s too painful? Receive the Higher Self guidance to help you understand the cause of your emotional pain and the solution to healing it.
Relationship Mastery – Communication and Energy Skills to Cocreate Happiness | Higher Self Inner Circle – Spring 2021
The next Higher Self Inner Circle has been announced. Learn from the Higher Self about the energy of relationships, why we attract the people we do, how to attract better relationships, how to improve communication, how to channel emotional energy to while communicating, and more.
Knowledge & Practices to Successfully Receive Your Desires | Higher Self Inner Circle – Winter 2021
The final step to successfully create your desires in your life is to allow yourself to receive without fear, guilt, shame or jealousy. Unworthiness – the belief of not being worthy to receive what you desire – is at the core of this final step.
Human Sexual Energy is Showing Us How God Creates the Universe
The human desire for sex is the spiritual desire to understand God and Creation. Evolve your understanding of human sexuality in this channeled message from the Higher Self.
Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
Your deepest state is pure consciousness – perceived as the clear light of Self. In this 20 minute channeled meditation, experience the perfect emptiness of yourself by relaxing into silence, stillness and awareness.
Higher Self Inner Circle – Winter 2021 | Week 7 – Trust Your Higher Self Guiding You From Within
We are all creators but we are creating with our maximum power and knowledge? Are we creating using our Higher Self guidance and energetic support? Experience one lessons in the Higher Self Inner Circle cycle on Manifesting in the Physical Reality.
You are God. Remember This. A Channeled Message.
You are God Consciousness. You are an eternal consciousness in a continuous state of existence. The world you see is your energy and intelligence. You create this reality.
Learn How Easy Creating Successfully Can Be – A Detailed Examination of the Creative Process
Successfully creating the experiences in your life does not have to be mysterious or difficult. In less than an hour of time, you will learn exactly how to use your mind to manifest what you desire in your life.
Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
You are the grand state of consciousness holding reality inside of yourself. You are a creator in your human reality. Receive a channeled message to help you more fully experience your unlimited creative power.
3 days until the Enlightenment Experience Retreat begins! Free online retreat – sign up now!
Your Divine Gifts and Soul’s Mission are ready to be fully activated. Access frequency upgrades, multi-dimensional activation, energy transmissions, divine channeling, the activation of your soul’s wealth codes and much more!
Your Soul Enlightenment Experience begins in 10 Days – Free Online Retreat
Join me in activating your soul’s mission and potential within the global, online retreat for awakened leaders. Activate your multi-dimensional potential, execute your soul’s mission and create a sensational impact on the world.
AnaAkun Interview – We choose what we channel, so who are we as consciousness?
Lincoln has said that we are constantly choosing what we channel – the personal ego, the Higher Self, other people’s emotions or even non-physical beings. So who are we then? Who am I as the consciousness that channels different forms of intelligence?