Your Body Feels Like Pure Love. Experience This Guided Meditation.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 369
Date: November 8, 2019
Title: Your Body Feels Like Pure Love. Experience This Guided Meditation.
Running Time: 31:40
Your Body Feels Like Pure Love. Experience This Guided Meditation.
You create your reality. You create how your body feels. You create how the events of your life happen. Don’t believe me? Try this guided meditation.
The power of your mind is amazing. With focus and effort, you can consciously create how you experience all the parts of your life. You can re-pattern your thoughts. You can replace undesirable emotions with desirable feelings. You can attract events in your life that support your well being and happiness.
You are God Consciousness. This is what you are waking up to realize.
Participate in this channeled Higher Self guided meditation and create the reality – the direct experience – that your physical body is made of Pure Love. Feel the energy of Love, the vibration of Oneness, fill every cell in your body. Experience your physical body, it’s entire shape, as a loving vibration of bliss and happiness.
Celebrate your life as a creative adventure! Celebrate yourself as a Creator of reality.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
attract, bliss, body, channel, channeled, consciousness, emotions, energy, god, guide, guided meditation, happiness, higher self, life, love, meditation, mind, oneness, power, satsang, self, teach, thought, thoughts, video