Everything – Absolutely Everything – is a Creation of Your Consciousness
Satsang with the Self
Video: 413
Date: June 4, 2020
Title: Everything – Absolutely Everything – is a Creation of Your Consciousness
Running Time: 23:17
Everything – Absolutely Everything – is a Creation of Your Consciousness
You are this reality. You are more than a human brain and body, you are the consciousness creating from nonphysical reality into physical reality. Your deepest knowledge, desires and belief are responsible for creating your thoughts, emotions, words and actions.
In this Channel Higher Self video teaching you will be aligned into the energy of your Higher Self to help you grasp this truly significant concept. You are the creator of absolutely everything that is happening in your perceptual reality.
Often times people talk about “being the creator”, however to truly realize and witness creation happening is an entirely different level of awakening.
Let the Higher Self support your path of awakening into the greater intelligence, awareness and creative power you are in this channeled message.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, brain, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, creation, emotions, energy, higher self, knowledge, life, love, power, satsang, self, teach, teaching, thought, thoughts, video