If God is Love then why is there suffering? Why do injustice and harm exist in a loving universe?
Satsang with the Self
Video: 461
Date: November 19, 2020
Title: If God is Love then why is there suffering? Why do injustice and harm exist in a loving universe?
Running Time: 1:16:10
If God is Love then why is there suffering? Why do injustice and personal harm exist in a loving universe?
How can we reconcile the difference between the experiences of injustice and personal harm that happen in this world with the spiritual understanding that everything is God, everything is love and everything is perfect? The Higher Self examines this difficult question in this channeled message.
Since the beginning of recorded history, spiritual teachers and gurus have taught that everything is love. How can this concept be true if we live in a world filled with suffering?
If everything is God, then why does God create suffering?
Witnessing the injustices in this world makes many people question the existence of God. Abuse, rape and murder are happening. How can we believe that God is all loving when we live in a world with these experiences?
Listen to the Higher Self in this channeled message as it explains the why injustices and experiences of great personal harm exist on this earth. Learn about the purpose of suffering and why suffering is an important part of every soul’s awakening process.
Social injustice and personal harm is one of the most difficult experiences to understand. This video may help to open your heart more to those who suffer while also educating your mind to be more enlightened.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
abuse, channel, channeled, Earth, god, higher self, learn, light, love, mind, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, story, suffer, suffering, teach, teacher, true, video