Mind Mastery: Why Do We Have Thoughts?
Satsang with the Self
Video: 293
Date: March 9, 2015
Title: Mind Mastery: Why Do We Have Thoughts?
Running Time: 25:03
Mind Mastery: Why Do We Have Thoughts?
In nearly every moment we are thinking. But why? Why does this little voice in our minds have so much power? Let a higher dimension of channeled spiritual understanding help you to understand yourself. If you have been curious about the nature of the mind, this video is for you.
Your thoughts are the most powerful part of your creative human life. Your thoughts tell you who you are. Your thoughts show you your acquired knowledge and tell you how to understand an experience. Your thoughts inform you about your emotions. Your thoughts guide you in making your choices and creative actions. Your thoughts define your reality and shape your future.
It seems like the entire human experience is thought-based and thought dependent. Why is it this way? Why does this little voice in our minds have so much power?
In this Channel Higher Self video, we examine the nature of the mind and the purpose of thought. Nearly every part of your life is in some way thought related. Understand why human life is this way. Understand why we have thoughts. What is the purpose of thought?
If you have been curious about the nature of the mind, this video is for you.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, emotions, guide, higher self, knowledge, life, love, master, mind, Nature, power, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, thought, thoughts, video
This really speaks to my soul and although I feel like I should say so much, there is just an immense space of silence, I am very thankful for your teachings in providing us with this truth. So much close to what the souls feels, closer to anything else that is out there. Namaste and many blessings.
“For spiritual growth to happen we must expand our awareness into all parts of ourselves. We must expand our awareness into our thoughts .And we do this by listening and by feeling the energy.”
– Lincoln Gergar
Satsang with the Self
Video: 293
Date: March 9, 2015
Title: Mind Mastery: Why Do We Have Thoughts?