Browsing all posts tagged with nutrition Archives - Channel Higher Self.

Remove Emotional Blocks: Mastering the Fire of Anger

January 21st, 2015 | 9 Comments

Anger, frustration, irritation and rage are the emotions we experience when the fire energy is blocked inside us. Empowerment, illumination, radiance, confidence and clarity are the qualities of a healthy fire energy within. Transform your emotional energy blocks with the Higher Self.

Lincoln’s Experience with Detox Cleanses

March 27th, 2014 | 38 Comments

I review 18 different detoxification methods that I have used since 1998, including Arise & Shine, Dr Schulze, Dr Christopher, HealthForce, juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, candida cleanse, parasite cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, and more.

Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 17: Choosing the Correct Foods to Eat

May 21st, 2013 | 1 Comment

The foods you eat change how you think, feel, look and function. All foods have energy and chemicals. Ingesting foods will combine these energies and chemicals with your body. Correct foods will increase your health and performance. Incorrect foods will weaken you and lead to illness and disease.

Using diet, fasting, and cleanses to accelerate spiritual awakening

February 21st, 2013 | 2 Comments

Learn why and when different nutritional healing practices are helpful and when they are harmful. Understand the energies behind foods and why certain foods are helpful and others are not.

Spiritual Help: Emotional Trauma & Physical Toxins Cause Mental Illness & Schizophrenia

December 8th, 2012 | 1 Comment

Learn how severe emotional suffering and mental illness is caused by past emotional trauma and physical environmental toxins. Learn how anyone can removes these from one’s mind and body to restore inner peace and happiness.

Conscious Eating – Breaking the Ego’s Control of Food and You

December 22nd, 2010 | 2 Comments

We eat for so many reasons. We eat for nutrition, health, pleasure, sensual arousal, stimulation, energy, self-abuse, addiction, ignorance, boredom, chemical withdrawal, emotional need, mental curiosity, mental control, and more. Why do we eat the way we do? How does our food choices affect our spiritual health? Can food be a block to spiritual growth and personal happiness? How addicted to our food choices are we?

Feeding our Mind, Body and Emotions with Divine Love

December 14th, 2010 | 1 Comment

In this Satsang with the Self video, we look at the role the spiritual forces and material forces play in the area of food and nutrition. Not only do we feed our physical body by ingesting material foods, we also feed our emotional body through our relationships and our mental body through our goals, pursuits, and accomplishments. In this Higher Self video you will learn how you can expand your experience and understanding of human nutrition by creating the direct experience of receiving nourishment from the Life Force Energy within you.

Ancient Energy Science, Nutrition and Meditation for a Healthy Life

September 24th, 2010 | 2 Comments

Listen, learn and evolve as Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, shares his experience and knowledge about how to correctly live with a human body while in this world. Our human body is made up of 3 distinct layers or bodies – the physical body, the emotional body (astral body), and the mental body (causal body). Together these three layers create our manifest experience here on Earth. Beyond these 3 layers and flowing within them is our Spiritual Self – the creative Consciousness that I AM.

Thought for Food: How our mind is feeding our life

August 14th, 2010 | No Comments

Our beliefs create our perceptions. Our perceptions create our experience. In this Satsang with the Self spiritual teaching video, learn how your mind is feeding your experience of reality. By directly observing and reflecting upon your thoughts, beliefs and personal truths you can learn how you are creating the events of your life and your personal response to these events.