Collaborations With Spirit: 21+ Channeled Messages To Activate Your Energy System and Create From Divine Flow
Collaborations With Spirit is a free videos series featuring 21+ videos with channeled messages about connecting with deeper parts of yourself and the greater Universe, and doing it in your own unique way. Watch myself and 21 other channels, spiritual teachers, energy workers, healers and mystics in this free video series.
Lincoln’s 2nd Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
On March 21, 2019, Lincoln Gergar the Channel for Higher Self returned for his second interview on Rich Archer’s Buddha at the Gas Pump – a YouTube channel featuring “Interviews with Ordinary Spiritually Awakening People.”
Returning to Buddha at the Gas Pump for a 2nd Interview
Returning for a second time, Lincoln will be featured on Rich Archer’s Buddha at the Gas Pump. Tune in at 3:00pm Eastern Time USA / 12:00 noon Pacific Time USA for the livestream broadcast.
Lincoln Gergar – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Lincoln was the featured guest on Buddha at the Gas Pump – a YouTube channel featuring “Interviews with Ordinary Spiritually Awakening People.” In this BATGAP interview Lincoln speaks about his own journey of awakening and how he experiences his reality.
Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self will be featured on Buddha at the Gas Pump (BATGAP) 6/20/15
On Saturday June 20, 2015, Higher Self channel Lincoln Gergar will be the featured guest on Buddha at the Gas Pump (BATGAP). Watch a live streaming interview as host Rick Archer opens your minds to the Higher Self path.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Emptiness of Form & Void Space
The fundamental nature of life is formless awareness. This 10 minute meditation uses an ancient practice to quickly take you beyond the forms and into your formless awareness and Buddha Nature.
New to Higher Self Teachings? Start here.
A guide to the Higher Self path of spirituality. All the information you need is right here.
Personal Higher Self Channeling Sessions in Zurich, Switzerland. July 18 – Aug 2
For these 2 weeks, Lincoln is available for personal Higher Self channeling sessions. These are one-on-one sessions in which Lincoln will channel the Higher Self for you to answer any questions that you may have.
Personal Higher Self Channeling Sessions in London, England UK. July 3-17
Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Channel Higher Self and founder of Higher Self Teachings, will be in London, England UK July 3 to 17 and is offering personal Higher Self channeling sessions live in person.
Connecting with Your Higher Self – Workshop – Amsterdam, June 22, 2013
Connect more deeply to your Higher Self in this workshop – all given from the channeled Higher Self state. In this workshop, receive direct teachings to understand what the Higher Self is, and more importantly, to directly reach this state of self-realization.
Channel Higher Self European Tour 2013
Announcing the Higher Self Teachings 2013 European Tour schedule. In June, July and August 2013, I will be hosting many events, workshops and personal channeling sessions in many countries. View my event list and contact me to schedule your own personal Higher Self channeling sessions.
Psychology for the Awakened – How the Mind Works
How the Mind Works is the third video in the Psychology for the Awakened mini-series. This video examines the four layers of the human mind: unconscious mind, subconscious mind, conscious mind, and super conscious mind. In most humans, the first three layers of mind are in constant operation and interaction. Only in more spiritually awake humans does the super consciousness state operate.
Changing the Story of your Life
From the time we are children, we are told stories of heroes, holy men, saints, god, and legends. Every culture and every religion has their own stories of remarkable men and women who teach us how to become better humans. Figures like Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammad, and others have become god-like beings who entire cultures of people worship and idolize. What is the benefit of idolizing these historic men and women? Is there harm in worshiping god-like people like this?
Welcome to Channel Higher Self
The goal of Channel Higher Self is to share genuine spiritual teachings directly from the Higher Self Consciousness. While most spiritual teachers teach about spirituality through the mind by sharing memorized concepts, I teach spiritually directly by existing in the spiritual state during the teachings.
99 Days 99 Channels Experience and Transformation
In August of 2008, the Channel Higher Self video series 99 Days 99 Channels began. For 99 consecutive days, Lincoln, the channel for Higher Self, recorded a video message from the Higher Self Consciousness to share with humanity.
This video interview shares some of Lincoln’s own experience during these 99 days of Higher Self channeling. Learn how Lincoln was changed by this experience. Learn how you can also experience spiritual transformation by watching these Higher Self videos.
Insight on the Crown Chakra Baptism
Video #12 of the Channel Higher Self video series 99 Days 99 Channels is a Higher Self Guided Chakra Meditation. Some people have reported a unique spiritual experience where the Crown Chakra opens up and blissful energy flows into the body, filling a person with extreme levels of Divine Love. After this powerful spiritual experience, peopel feel reborn. Learn more about the function of the crown chakra in this Channel Higher Self video interview.