Using Affirmations to Manifest the Best Understanding in your Life
Satsang with the Self
Video: 387
Date: February 10, 2020
Title: Using Affirmations to Manifest the Best Understanding in your Life
Running Time: 20:36
Using Affirmations to Manifest the Best Understanding in your Life
Learn what happens as you change your state of mind and think everything is God Consciousness. Watch your reality change as you accept the world is you and the events of your life are determined by your mind.
Everything is you. You put the meaning upon every form your perceive. Even your mind, your emotions and your body, you define. How you define yourself has one of the greatest effects on your life.
If you are not experiencing the life the you truly desire to live, then your mind is the cause of your unhappiness. Change your mind and watch your life transform immediately.
This Video is Tagged With:
body, change, consciousness, emotions, god, happiness, learn, life, media, mind, satsang, self, video
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