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Empty Mind Meditation

January 28th, 2011 | 1 Comment

The most important and final practice in any genuine spiritual tradition is the practice of meditation. Meditation is a simple technique in which a person remains in the state of awareness in this immediate moment. The goal of meditation is the realization of who or what you are at the most fundamental level.

Conscious Eating – Breaking the Ego’s Control of Food and You

December 22nd, 2010 | 2 Comments

We eat for so many reasons. We eat for nutrition, health, pleasure, sensual arousal, stimulation, energy, self-abuse, addiction, ignorance, boredom, chemical withdrawal, emotional need, mental curiosity, mental control, and more. Why do we eat the way we do? How does our food choices affect our spiritual health? Can food be a block to spiritual growth and personal happiness? How addicted to our food choices are we?

Personal Power: Breaking the Patterns of Ego Control and Manipulation

December 9th, 2010 | 1 Comment

Many of our actions, thoughts and emotions are motivated by the personal desire for power. As we look at the motivation behind our desire for personal power and influence in the world, we often see that the personal ego’s self-image is the root motivation of our actions.

Overcome the Material Forces: Power, Sex, Food, Money

December 2nd, 2010 | 4 Comments

At this moment in time, the global humanity is struggling to overcome the four basic material forces: the desire for power, sex, food, and money. It is the selfish pursuit of these basic material forces that is creating nearly all of the suffering in today’s world. Learn how our personal subconscious mind, ancestral karma, genetic DNA, and collective human consciousness have been programmed to believe that the pursuit for and manipulation of these material forces will create a state of genuine happiness.

Ancestral Karma: Material Forces vs Spiritual Forces

November 27th, 2010 | 3 Comments

In this Channel Higher Self Satsang, we learn about the relationship between the material forces and the spiritual forces. These two forces are the ruling energies of our lives. Learn how to recognize the difference between the material forces and spiritual forces, to purify your personal karma, ancestral karma and human karma.

The Ancient Alchemy System of Original Kundalini Tantra Yoga

September 25th, 2010 | 1 Comment

One of the earliest spiritual sciences of India is Kundalini Yoga. This ancient form of Kundalini Yoga is very different from the popular school of modern yoga taught by Yogi Bhajan. Original Kundalini Yoga understand the elemental nature of the chakras – earth, water, fire, air, ether, guanas. Original Kundalini teaches us how to use our awareness to remove blockages, create healing, and awaken the dormant Kundalini energy inside our body. The original Kundalini Yoga system is a very powerful spiritual alchemy that create tremendous spiritual change.

Radio-Active Ascension – Teaching in the New Age

September 14th, 2010 | No Comments

Listen as two well-known internet teachers share their perspectives on being a spiritual teacher in the New Age. This 1 hour Sedona Radio show looks at the new ways that modern spiritual teachers are reaching their audiences and the tools and techniques they use to promote positive growth in their students. Understand the finer points of being a teacher in the New Age. Learn about the common pitfalls and obstacles, as well as the joys of bringing others into deeper spiritual states.

Align the Assemblage Point with the Spiritual Heart Guided Meditation

August 21st, 2010 | 1 Comment

All humans have a subtle energy body surrounding and penetrating the physical human body. One layer of this subtle energy body is responsible for how the human being assembles it’s perceptions – perceptions of itself and of it’s external world. Kept secret for thousands of years has been an energy healing and re-alignment technique that is powerful enough to change how a person assembles his/her perceptions and therefore his/her reality. In modern time this human energy center was first re-introduced by shaman Carlos Castaneda. Shaman of Peru, Mexico, Toltec and Native America have called this technique Assemblage Point Re-Alignment or Assemblage Point Re-centering.

Direct Transmission of Enlightenment Energy

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

How is spiritual energy transmitted from an enlightened teacher to the student? Is there a better spiritual teaching method that speaking words, philosophy, and concept? Some spiritual traditions speak about energy transmissions, energy empowerments, or spiritual shaktipat that are given by the teacher to the students? What are these techniques and are they helpful for spiritual growth?

In this Channel Higher Self video interview, learn the most effective way for spiritual understanding to be given from teacher to student. Learn about the importance of spiritual energy and energetic resonance.

What you believe as truth becomes your experience

December 5th, 2009 | 2 Comments

As incarnate Spirit upon this Earth, we are given a mind as a tool to create our own experience of our lives. This Channel Higher Self video session helps you to understand how the mind function and how we create our experience from the thoughts, ideas and beliefs that we believe are true.

Enlightened Awareness radio interview August 2009 – Day 1

August 24th, 2009 | No Comments

Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended on Tuesday, August 18, 2009. This 13-part video shares the entire 2 hour radio interview.

Topics include: dream state; lucid dreaming tools and techniques; astral realm / dimension; creating financial abundance; manifesting change the material world; issues around money, abudance, and self worth; finding a spiritual teacher; etheric energy; solar healing; sunlight for health; proper sattvic spiritual diet; yoga for spiritual health; and more…

The Purpose of the Breath in Meditation

August 16th, 2009 | No Comments

Meditation is the most powerful spiritual technique. At the center of the practice of meditation is breath awareness.

In this Satsang with the Self video, learn why the breath has always been used as the focus point for meditation. Learn how awareness of the breath quiets the mind, settles the emotions, and calms the physical body. Understand that within the breath is vital life force energy which meditation uses to purify and energize the physical body and human energy system.

This Channel Higher Self video is full of valuable information about the breath, the air element, life force energy (prana or chi), the mind, the human energy body, and more. This video satsang session will answer many questions about the pracitce of meditation and the purpose of breath awareness.

The Layers of Meditation

August 15th, 2009 | No Comments

Meditation is the most powerful spiritual technique. Nearly every religious and spiritual tradition includes meditation at the center of its practice. However little is known about the goal of meditation, the meditation process, and what happens during meditation.

In the media, meditation is taught as a relaxation technique, however for thousands of years meditation has used as the tool for knowledge in many sciences – including health, psychology, physics, biology, and spirituality. In the oldest sciences in history – Chinese Medicine / Taoism and Hinduism / Yoga – the scientists were holy men with powerful minds who meditated to find answers.

This Channel Higher Self video provides a detailed science of the layers of the self discovered during meditation. Starting with most dense layers (thought, emotion/feeling, body) and working to the more subtle (energy body, chakras, meridians, subconscious mind). Even reaching the final goal of meditation, the most subtle experience of the Self or Pure Light of Awareness or the “I AM THAT I AM” – the Source of Creation.

Meditation – what are you looking for?

July 19th, 2009 | No Comments

The practice of meditation is taught differently in many different spiritual traditions. How do we know what the correct way to meditate is? Are all meditation practices taught correctly? Why is meditation part of spiritual practice?

In this Satsang with the Self video by Channel Higher Self, learn what the function and goal of meditation practice is. Bypass all the different meditation techniques taught today, and understand the core of meditation. Learn what meditation is and how to best meditate.

This Satsang with the Self video includes a guided meditation that will take you deeper into the Awareness of your own Self. With the Higher Self’s guidance you will be directed to recongize and experience the Consciousness / Awareness that is you, “the Self”. You will learn how to center your awareness in the Self, which will change how you experience your own life.

Enlightened Awareness with Channel Higher Self – Day 3

May 1st, 2009 | No Comments

April 30, 2009, is the final day of the 3 day series that Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This is the first interview of a 3-day series featuring Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self and Tamid of Enlightened Awareness (EA radio).

The Day 3 interview is 2 hours long and addresses topics such as: the path of meditation, concentration vs awareness, Zen Shikantanza, devotion, transforming negative emotions and subsconscious reactions, being the witness, conscious free will creation, Gandhi and a day of silence, and more.

Love is the Self beyond Karma – cause and effect identification

March 21st, 2009 | 4 Comments

In this Satsang with the Self, the Higher Self Consciousness is asked to speak on the topics of karma, cause and effect, and the relationship of living in the here, now moment.

Learn that beyond the layers of our personality, mind, emotions, and body exists the Pure Self – a direct experience of unconditional, timeless Love. This Love is the experience of our uncreated Self. This Love is not affected by the changing forms, experiences, and conditions of this world. This Love never changes and never dies. This Love is you. You need only surrender within the Spiritual Heart to realize your Self as this Love.

In this Satsang with the Self session, learn how to why the Higher Self meditation to surrender into the Spiritual Heart is an effective meditation technique that helps to silence the active mind, and create the dissolution of the personal ego.

Gain valuable insight into the practice of meditation as taught directly by the Higher Self Consciousness.