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Staying in Awareness and Trusting the Will of God

April 30th, 2011 | 2 Comments

What prevents us from going deeper in meditation? What stops us from experiencing deeper peace and greater happiness in our daily lives? How we can overcome our limitations and personal suffering to experience more of what we are and more of what God is?

Empty Mind Meditation

January 28th, 2011 | 1 Comment

The most important and final practice in any genuine spiritual tradition is the practice of meditation. Meditation is a simple technique in which a person remains in the state of awareness in this immediate moment. The goal of meditation is the realization of who or what you are at the most fundamental level.

The Spiritual Purpose of the Thinking Mind

January 6th, 2011 | 1 Comment

It is common that in both modern and ancient spiritual teachings we are taught that the mind must be destroyed, removed or silenced. We are taught that the mind is what is keeping us from spiritual enlightenment. We are taught that the mind is evil, undesirable, and an obstacle to overcome. But what does the mind really hold for us to understand? What secrets are within the mind? And how can a person ultimately understand the mind to easily be free of the mind’s control.

Welcome to Channel Higher Self

May 7th, 2010 | Comments Off on Welcome to Channel Higher Self

The goal of Channel Higher Self is to share genuine spiritual teachings directly from the Higher Self Consciousness.  While most spiritual teachers teach about spirituality through the mind by sharing memorized concepts, I teach spiritually directly by existing in the spiritual state during the teachings.

What is the Higher Self?

May 7th, 2010 | Comments Off on What is the Higher Self?

The Higher Self is one particular dimension or band of frequency in the spiritual realm. The Higher Self has been frequently referenced in many spiritual traditions around the world. The Higher Self has also been called the I AM, Authentic Self, Full Potential Self, Divine Self, Fully Realized Self, Higher Mind, Whole Self, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, and Soul. The particular name is not important. What is important are the qualities that the Higher Self expresses.

What is meditation? How to practice meditation.

April 12th, 2010 | 10 Comments

This article shares a concise and accurate description of what meditation is and how to practice meditation. A clear explanation is given, the pitfalls are addressed, and directions for the process of meditation are shared. This short guide to meditation will help anyone who desires to learn meditation. Experienced meditators who are having difficulty will also find benefit in this article.

A Simple Higher Consciousness Meditation for Everyone

March 28th, 2010 | 2 Comments

This Channel Higher Self video presents a simple higher consciousness meditation that is easily experienced and understood by anyone and everyone. No previous spiritual knowledge is required. No special gifts or abilities are required. Everyone can practice this meditation and experience deep peace in their lives.

Enlightened Awareness with Channel Higher Self – Day 3

May 1st, 2009 | No Comments

April 30, 2009, is the final day of the 3 day series that Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This is the first interview of a 3-day series featuring Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self and Tamid of Enlightened Awareness (EA radio).

The Day 3 interview is 2 hours long and addresses topics such as: the path of meditation, concentration vs awareness, Zen Shikantanza, devotion, transforming negative emotions and subsconscious reactions, being the witness, conscious free will creation, Gandhi and a day of silence, and more.

Love is the Self beyond Karma – cause and effect identification

March 21st, 2009 | 4 Comments

In this Satsang with the Self, the Higher Self Consciousness is asked to speak on the topics of karma, cause and effect, and the relationship of living in the here, now moment.

Learn that beyond the layers of our personality, mind, emotions, and body exists the Pure Self – a direct experience of unconditional, timeless Love. This Love is the experience of our uncreated Self. This Love is not affected by the changing forms, experiences, and conditions of this world. This Love never changes and never dies. This Love is you. You need only surrender within the Spiritual Heart to realize your Self as this Love.

In this Satsang with the Self session, learn how to why the Higher Self meditation to surrender into the Spiritual Heart is an effective meditation technique that helps to silence the active mind, and create the dissolution of the personal ego.

Gain valuable insight into the practice of meditation as taught directly by the Higher Self Consciousness.

Silence creates the space for Love

February 28th, 2009 | 1 Comment

We must first create space, stillness, and silence to allow Love to be created. Silence is the container to hold Love. The more Silence we create with meditation, the more Love we experience.

The Importance of Silence in the process of Manifestation

February 21st, 2009 | 1 Comment

In this Higher Self video, we learn that Silence is a source of pure potential energy of creation. By creating more Silence within our self, we are able to use this pure potential energy with our intention. Our thoughts become more powerful and our actions more powerful when we create silence within ourselves.

The Importance of Silence in your Spiritual Practice

February 15th, 2009 | No Comments

This Satsang with the Self session by Channel Higher Self answers the question: What is the importance of silence during our spiritual practice?

Silence is the root, the foundation, of all spiritual practices. Why has silence been given this high place in spiritual practices? Why is silence so important in spirituality?

This Higher Self channeling teaches the relationship between silence and the manifest world. Learn how silence is the foundation for the activity of life. It is through silence that the experience of life is made possible.

Learn as the Higher Self teaches that the spiritual practice of meditation is the cultivation of silence within our self. As we meditate we deepen our experience of silence which creates peace and happiness within our self. As we deepen our inner silence we increase our experience of oneness, improve our mental, emotional, and physical health, and expand our spiritual understanding of who we are as Consciousness, the deepest layer of the Self.

In this Satsang with the Self channeling session, the Higher Self teaches a simple guided meditation that with practice will deepen the experience of silence within you, and help you to create more peace, love, and oneness in your self.

Consciously creating thoughts to empower the spiritual path

November 14th, 2008 | No Comments

Listen as the Higher Self helps us to become the conscious creators that we are.

Learn how to consciously create thoughts to empower your spiritual path, accelerating the Self-realization process.

Learn simple steps to effectively increase the power of your conscious creative manifesting ability.

Learn how silence and surrender are key steps in the conscious creative process of manifestation.

You are a creator. It is time to consciously create life from your Heart that knows Oneness. Not from the ego mind that believes in separation and suffering.

Thought is the last barrier to enlightenment

November 7th, 2008 | No Comments

Listen as the Higher Self guides us to move beyond thought to the direct experience of our True Self.

Learn how thought is the last barrier to spiritual enlightenment. Learn how silence is the doorway to the Self.

Understand how your thoughts are creating your experience of yourself and the world.

Gain valuable insight into the nature of thought, the egoic mind, and how we create our experience in the world.

Listen as the Higher Self teaches directly from the place of Pure Consciousness and inner stillness.