Satsang with the Self Topics | May 15, 2024

Monday, May 13th, 2024
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Every week on Wednesday evening USA Time, I will channel the Higher Self on Zoom. For one hour everyone receives Higher Self energy and information. Often guided meditations and energy activation are channeled.

Join this week’s Satsang with the Self

This week’s topic will be:

1) Close your eye, feel your Spiritual Heart and relax into this week’s Higher Self channeling. Receive a teaching and meditation that is in alignment with the current energies of our spiritual awakening – personally and globally.  The topic will be chosen by the Higher Self.

2) A channeled meditation from the Higher Self.

Join this week’s Satsang with the Self

Use the link above to participate in this week’s Satsang with the Self live stream. Participation requires a $10.00 USD donation. All participants receive access for live attendance on Zoom and both a video replay (available for 30 days) and an audio recording. If you are not able to attend live, you will received the video and audio recordings the following day.

After your register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and passcode for this satsang. Emails are sent out 2 hours before the satsang begins. Please register early. If you register after 7:00pm Eastern Time, you will receive the email a few minutes before 9:00pm Eastern Time.

The Satsang with the Self live stream begins at 9:00pm Eastern Time / 6:00pm Pacific Time USA. Please log into the Zoom meeting room a few minutes before the start time.


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