AnaAkun Interview – Can sound be used for enlightenment and healing?
Listen to Lincoln explain his experience with sound therapy, sound healing, using sound to enhance meditation and how sound can support our process of spiritual enlightenment in this AnaAkun interview.
Your Soul Enlightenment Experience begins in 10 Days – Free Online Retreat
Join me in activating your soul’s mission and potential within the global, online retreat for awakened leaders. Activate your multi-dimensional potential, execute your soul’s mission and create a sensational impact on the world.
Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
Genuine enlightened teachers of every time all taught the same message – all of life is one. Unity of the experiencer and the experience must be achieve. The separate self must be united.
The Soul Enlightenment Experience – a free online spiritual video retreat
Your Divine Gifts and Soul’s Mission are ready to be fully activated. Access frequency upgrades, multi-dimensional activation, energy transmissions, divine channeling, the activation of your soul’s wealth codes and much more!
Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
Awaken into the experience of your deeper self in this channeled meditation. Receive Higher Self channeled frequencies that help you to experience yourself as the Light of Consciousness shining the blissful energy of creation.
If God is Love then why is there suffering? Why do injustice and harm exist in a loving universe?
How can we reconcile the difference between the experiences of injustice and personal harm that happen in this world with the spiritual understanding that everything is God, everything is love and everything is perfect? The Higher Self examines this difficult question in this channeled message.
Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
You are God Consciousness. However you’ve forgotten this. Identification with the human story has kept you experiencing a limited version of yourself. Now is the time to break free from limited conditioning to experience your true self.
Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.
Explore the Fullness of Yourself in this Higher Self Channeling Meditation
Experience a 40-minute channeled teaching and meditation that guides you into your radiant light body of consciousness – giving you a fuller experiences of your greater intelligence and creative energy. Explore your deeper self in this Higher Self channeling.
Change the Original Wounding of Mankind – Everything is Truly God Consciousness
Get ready for a breakthrough channeling from the Higher Self. The original wounding of mankind is the idea that you are not perfect, that you are flawed. From that wounding comes all personal confusion and suffering.
This is the Process of Experiencing Oneness – Explained So You Have No Confusion
Are you trying to understand the experience of Oneness and Non-Duality? Receive a Higher Self channeling that clearly explains Spiritual Oneness without confusing abstract concepts and inaccurate analogies.
15 Minute Meditation for Expanded Awareness, Body Awakening, Peace and Love
Spend 15 minutes in Heart-opening Higher Self blissful love energy in this guided meditation and energy activation.
10 Minute Meditation to Awaken the Light and Love of your Eternal Self
Connect to your Higher Self and experience the love and light of your eternal self awaken in this 10 minute channeled meditation.
You Wanted to Know… The Higher Self Says This is the Highest Spiritual Teaching
One of the most popular questions asked of any spiritual teacher and interdimensional channel is, “what is the highest spiritual teaching?” Receive the Higher Self’s answer to this important spiritual question.
Good and Bad are the Divided Mind. Wisdom is a State Beyond Duality.
Watch what happens in your life when you apply the wisdom that everything is perfect. Good and bad are opinions that divide the Oneness of the Heart. We can live beyond the suffering of the divided mind by understanding life as God does.
3 Steps to Create as God Consciousness – 1st Awareness, 2nd Intelligence, 3rd Energy
Many people struggle to successfully reach their goals in life because they have forgotten the power they have as beings of God Consciousness. In this channeled teaching, be taught 3 steps for successful creation using the totality of your Self.