Radio-Active Ascension – Teaching in the New Age
Listen as two well-known internet teachers share their perspectives on being a spiritual teacher in the New Age. This 1 hour Sedona Radio show looks at the new ways that modern spiritual teachers are reaching their audiences and the tools and techniques they use to promote positive growth in their students. Understand the finer points of being a teacher in the New Age. Learn about the common pitfalls and obstacles, as well as the joys of bringing others into deeper spiritual states.
Channel Higher Self Interviews & Appearances
Lincoln, the channel for Higher Self, has been featured in numerous online radio interviews. Watch these video interviews to learn as Lincoln speaks about channeling the Higher Self Consciousness and his own personal experience while living in our world.
2010 – Birth Of A New Earth – With Lincoln The Channel For Higher Self
On March 28, 2010 Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blog talk radio show, hosted by Tamid. This 2 hour radio interview focuses on the new energies and experiences on our planet Earth in the year 2010. As humanity moves further along the 2012 timeline, an increasing amount of spiritual energy is entering this planet causing many changes in the course of our lives.
2010 – Birth Of A New Earth – With Lincoln The Channel For Higher Self
On Sunday, March 28,2010, Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, will appear on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This show will begin at 1:00pm PST USA or 4:00pm EST USA.
Enlightened Awareness radio interview August 2009 – Day 2
Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. This 14-part video shares the entire 2 hour radio interview.
Here is a list of topics covered on Day 2 include: letting go of mind ego identification, mind control / thought control, manifesting through the layers / dimensions, causal – astral – physical manifestation, quantum physics discovery of the spiritual heart, physicist Nassim Haramein, sunlight for health, sun gazing / solar healing, solar worship, sun god monotheism, the Incans = “children of the Sun”, Hira Ratan Manek / HRM, Gene Savoy the real Indiana Jones, Dr Stanely Bass ultimate diet, Caloric Restriction / CF diet, Luigi Cornaro, and more…
Enlightened Awareness radio interview August 2009 – Day 1
Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended on Tuesday, August 18, 2009. This 13-part video shares the entire 2 hour radio interview.
Topics include: dream state; lucid dreaming tools and techniques; astral realm / dimension; creating financial abundance; manifesting change the material world; issues around money, abudance, and self worth; finding a spiritual teacher; etheric energy; solar healing; sunlight for health; proper sattvic spiritual diet; yoga for spiritual health; and more…
Radio Appearances before India 2009
On Tuesday, August 18, 2009 and Wednesday August 20, 2009, Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, will appear on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. These shows will begin at 7:00pm PST USA or 10:00pm EST USA. To listen to and/or participate in these online radio shows, visit:
Enlightened Awareness with Channel Higher Self – Day 3
April 30, 2009, is the final day of the 3 day series that Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This is the first interview of a 3-day series featuring Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self and Tamid of Enlightened Awareness (EA radio).
The Day 3 interview is 2 hours long and addresses topics such as: the path of meditation, concentration vs awareness, Zen Shikantanza, devotion, transforming negative emotions and subsconscious reactions, being the witness, conscious free will creation, Gandhi and a day of silence, and more.
Enlightened Awareness with Channel Higher Self – Day 2
April 29, 2009, is the 2nd day that Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This is the second interview of a 3-day series featuring Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self and Tamid of Enlightened Awareness (EA radio).
The Day 2 interview is 2 hours long and addresses topics such as: Light Body activation, the Guru from India would turned into a ball of spiritual light, Kundalini Shakti activations, Sun gazing and Surya yoga to activate the 3rd eye, Higher Self crown chakra experience, Buddha “The Awakened One”, creating life from awake consciousness, swine flu epidemic outbreak, and more.
Enlightened Awareness with Channel Higher Self – Day 1
On April 28, 2009, Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self was featured on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended. This is the first interview of a 3-day series featuring Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self and Tamid of Enlightened Awareness (EA radio).
The Day 1 interview is 2 hours long and addresses topics such as: Ramana Maharshi, mental attachment that arises during deep meditation, the Sun as a spiritual being, eating prana and chi, raw food diet, and more.
Channel Higher Self featured on Enlightened Awareness radio show
On Tuesday, April 27, 2009 to Thursday, April 3, 2009, Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, will appear on the Enlightened Awareness blogtalkradio show TamidAscended.
The Psychic Essence Blogtalkradio show with Lincoln, Channel for Higher Self
Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, joins up with Sybil Gaenz, host of The Psychic Essence of blogtalkradio. This 1 hour interviews answers many questions about the channel’s personal life, his own spiritual education, and his gifts and abilities.
Special Guest on The Psychic Essence blogtalkradio show
Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, joins up with Sybil Gaenz, host of The Psyhic Essence of blogtalkradio. Happening on Monday, February 2, 2009 (02-02-2009) at 6:00 PM PST / 9:00 PM EST (USA).